The Behavior Chart Stays

I know, I know.

This has been a big heated debate over the past couple of months. Parents and teachers alike don’t like the “clip-chart”. Well, let me be the first to say that I have tried to do without it. Actually, all six Kindergarten teachers in my building tried it. We all agreed around Thanksgiving that it was time to bring the clip-chart back and we were going to keep it uniformed between all of the classes. Yes, we all have a chart in the corners of our classrooms that look something like this.


First, you notice there are no names on these clips. It is their number so that leaves the embarrassment of the names off. It’s also hidden behind the door so it’s not even all that visible.

We started this year implementing PBIS. You can read more about it by clicking on the link but the big idea is that student behavior improves with positive reinforcement. Basically, raining unicorns and sunshine on their good behavior. My knee jerk reaction was “heck to the no”. Our mascot is “panthers” so we were supposed to be handing out “panther paws” to kids for walking in line? Give me a friggin’ break.

Side note: This is a school-wide PAW and each teacher has a set with their name written on the bottom. They can be given to kiddos in your class or not in your class.


Then, I started it and let me tell you…I’ve seen the light.

Kids walk in first thing in the morning, put their chairs down and start quietly on their morning work. You take notice to two or three kids and verbally praise them and you can pretty much see your classroom flip over like a turn table. Every student does exactly what it is that you just praised the other students for doing.  Instead of going “SHHHHHH… should be doing your work and not talking.” or “Sam, I need you to be quiet and do your work”.

First of all, it’s way more fun to give positive praise. It kind of makes you happier and less like (voice inside head) “ugh…I wish they would just behave”. Usually, when you are giving positive praise you are smiling and look happy. When you are giving negative attention…well it’s not as pretty.

We started the beginning of the year with just the Panther Paws, but we needed more because there was (and still is) the occasional behavior that does need to be addressed. Some kids actually do need the physical feeling of moving a clip. I will tell you that if a kiddo does have to move a clip down, then I try not to do it in front of the other students. It is usually a conversation that we have and it happens after a warning. Nothing goes home to parents unless they get “oops”. A warning is a warning. When a cop pulls you over and gives you a warning, you don’t have anything to show for it 🙂 Not that I would know….

They also take home a “Think Sheet” and complete it with their parents. We do part of it at school and they do part of it at home so the student knows that the teacher and the parent are a team. We work really hard to build strong relationships with not just our students, but with parents as well. You aren’t going to get much of anything done in your teaching life if you don’t build those relationships that drive the heartbeat of your classroom.

I don’t like to talk about “oops” days too much because they don’t happen often. We all like “Wow” days =)


It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes…everyone gets on “Wow” because they are just on. You know those days that I’m talking about, right? Kids are doing their work, being kind to one another, following directions…etc.

It happens.

I promise.

This is why I love my clip-chart. The feeling of getting to move your clip up and go home with “Wow” written in your folder is the goal of the day EVERY single day. They get a (like one piece of paper) Panther Paw at the end of the day and get to drop it in a blue bucket in the front of the room.


They also get to take their folder home with a little panther paw sticker and WOW written across their behavior column for the day. The panther paws are put in to a big tub at a PBIS monthly assembly where the principal draws a few panther paws from each grade level and has some sort of prize. The more paws they earn…the better chance they have at getting their name drawn.

The incentive in my classroom is Treasure Box. I let the kids get one thing every Friday out of the treasure box as long as they didn’t have to move their clip down to “oops” the entire week. I haven’t had a kiddos miss treasure box since November and I really believe it’s because of the positive reinforcement.

Also, there are incentives for teachers to give out paws. Things like Starbucks cards, jeans day, extra lunch…etc.


So no, I don’t keep my clip-chart because I want to shame kids or make them feel bad about their behavior. It’s kind of the opposite. I want to celebrate them and all of their good behavior. Students rise to the occasion if you let them. When you celebrate them and show them how  proud you are of them, you will have a classroom (maybe not free) with less behavior issues. A classroom where the focus is teaching and learning.

Obviously, everyone has different routines and ways they manage behavior. Hopefully, you were able to take away at least one idea!

If you want to try this same chart that I have, just click the picture below. Let me know if you have any questions or want to know more!



  1. This is great! We do the exact same thing but ours are called “Howlers” because we are wolves 😉 Thanks for sharing, it’s nice to know I’m on the same page as others 🙂

  2. This is great and something that I do too! However, I have names on my clips and it doesn’t seem to embarrass the students in any way. I have a pretty good group this year though. Next year, I may utilize the numbers! I would absolutely love the paper you fill out with them and the other half they take home. That’s an awesome idea! Thank you for sharing!! 🙂

  3. I also use a chart system and I think it works wonders in my first grade room. Would you share your “think sheet” with us? I would love to add this component in my classroom. I think my kiddos would really benefit from reflecting and taking ownership over their actions.

  4. I work in a school that has had PBS for 5 or 6 years. This year we were told that we will all have a color chart, much like yours. The colors are the same school wide. We have had different things over of the years, stickers, awards, monthly celebrations, ect. To reward positive behavior. I have used a clip chart for several years, and I find that primary age kids need the visual, and the physical movement have having to move their clip up or down is helpful for most students. I also work in a school with about 75% free/reduced lunch, with very little parent involvement. I mark colors daily in their folders, and parents are expected to sign daily, but some hardly ever do. The same one I can’t get on the phone or in for a conference.

  5. I would love to see a full copy of your homework template that you send home. It looks easier to use than the one I use. I like that they can circle their behavior right on their sheet rather than on a separate behavior calendar.

  6. I don’t use a clip chart, I use classdojo however our schools have LOTS of similarities!
    Our mascot is the Panthers and we pass out gold passes called, “Panther Pride Passes” that can be given by anyone at any time! It is SO POWERFUL! I love when I have the ability to give a student in another grade level recognition. They just light up. Our PE, Music, Art, and Librarian throw a bit end of the 6 weeks party during their specials time for those that have earned X amount of tickets.

    We also have “Golden PAWS” that are the creme of the crop. Only certain teachers get the PAW each week to pass out. During morning announcements, they announce the winners each day to come and, “sign the book” and receive 12 Panther Pride Passes. We have a Bingo Board where these Golden PAWS go up and when the board gets a Bingo the kids have a treat from the principal and assistant principal.

    We also complete Think Sheets for “those days”.
    I was SOOOOO confused with the new method, but I definitely see the change!

    Love the post! Great to hear that other schools are on the same page!