Five for Friday (so-long February)


It’s my last Five for Friday in February and all I have to say is…don’t let the door hit you on the way out!


I am so ready for Spring.

1. On that note, we had another snow day yesterday. That makes a total of five and we have ten built in. Who would have thought that TN would have 10 built in snow days!?!? So, at least we have only cashed out on half and we don’t have to make any days up, but it has just thrown me completely off! President’s Day in to March…

The snow that fell yesterday was really pretty. If you live in the South, then I’m sure you had some nice big snowflakes like we did. It was so much nicer than the ice that hit us last week!


2. Thankfully for me, I was able to get out yesterday after the snow melted and get a few things done. Party City has a ton of Seuss stuff for next week! I mean a TON! There were even t-shirt and Thing hair. If you have one close by, I suggest you check it out! I know that the Target dollar bin is always a great place to find some things as well!


3. I almost squealed a little when this book showed up on my doorstep. Actually, I’m just going to be honest with you.

I squealed.

I love Kid President and now he has a book! I started reading it to my kids this week and I feel like it’s going to be a big focus during our morning meetings for the rest of the year. There are so many things that I hope my kids take with them from this book.


I the opportunity to meet (and scare probably) Kid President at the Beyonce concert two summers ago. Such a cute and inspiring little guy!


4. Well, I got my March BUILD activities printed, laminated and ready to go but who knows when I’ll actually get to put them in tubs! #snowdayproblems


5. Are you ready for our book study to start tomorrow!?!? I am SO SO SO excited! I can’t even contain myself and I know that there are going to be so many of you that have so many wonderful ideas to share! I am planning on spending part of my Saturday learning from all of YOU! If you have no clue what I’m talking about click here or on the picture if you think you might like to join in on the fun!


Happy almost Spring to you!


  1. Elizabeth – your house is absolutely adorable! You have such amazing shopping in the USA, I would be so excited to find all that Suess stuff in the one place! 🙂

  2. I can’t wait to start the book study on Saturday! I’ve already been trying out a few things in my classroom and I’m really looking forward to learning from everyone else! Thanks for hosting!

  3. Hi Elizabeth! I am south of you about 120 miles and we were dumped on by that snow storm. Eight inches in Alabama is pretty rare. We missed 3 days of school, but I am not sure we will have to make all of them up. When the Governor declares a state of emergency we have not had to make up bad weather days in the past, so we shall see! I am heading to find that book right now! Thank you for sharing!

  4. I am planning to join this book study!! I have heard of this book, but never actually read it. I am really looking forward to hearing what other teachers have to say and share! Thanks for doing this!