Marketing Inquiries

Interested in advertising on Kickin' it in Kindergarten? Please read the following guidelines and fill out the form below.

  • - No Spam
  • - No Refunds
  • - Advertisements must be geared toward teachers or homeschool families only
  • - No landing pages to porn sites
  • - All users must land on the same page
  • - Ads must be grammatically correct
  • - Ads cannot offend based on race, gender, sexual preference, or disability
  • -I retain the right to refuse or remove an ad at any point in time if I feel as though it violates any of the above terms or does not fit into the overall theme of Kickin' it in Kindergarten
  • -Prices are subject to change from month-to-month based on traffic patterns

    Costs: 200x200 px linked image on the sidebar (first-come, first-served from top down) is $50 for one month, beginning the 1st of the month and running until the last day of the month only - no pro-rating will be done. It will be placed under the Classroom Freebies logo and above A Little About Me.
  • -Purchases can be made in one-month or three-month increments, with a 20% discount given for three-month increment purchases when paid for all at once.

    If you are ready to get started by sponsoring an advertisement on Kickin' it in Kindergarten, please send fill out the form below with your information, including the landing page URL for your proposed ad.

    Thanks you for your interest in growing your business with me!
    • 200x200 pixels image w link, first come, first served.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.