Peek at My Week


Slide2 I did a little gasp when I saw November in my lesson plans. What happened to October and what happened to Fall? We just went from Summer to Winter it seems. We do not have frost on the windows in October. I was informed by a sub last week that her farmer friend sold all ‘dem caws (translation: all of the cows) because we had 19 foggy days in August and that means it will be a cold winter. I was also informed by another sub that the numerous spider webs meant for a cold winter…all of this translates as “snow day” for me. Spider webs and cows…

Here are my plans…sorry got off on a tangent about the weather. You can click on them to get a better view of what we are doing this week. I am {per usual} way over planned. I will not get to half of the things that are written in my plans, but one can dream.

Friday will be a gem of a day as they will come in hung over from Halloween. Their hair is always crumbled up and there is usually remnants of face paint still dried to their ears. Their mood is always somber until they get to lunch to find three pieces of Halloween candy in their lunch boxes that we have asked parents not to pack since August. My plans for Friday should just say “We’ll see how it goes”. I am planning on this Halloween writing, but it may have to wait until Monday. It is part of my new Halloween pack, but it probably won’t be up in time.  dream. My observation is first thing tomorrow morning. I think I like having it first thing Monday morning so then I don’t have to worry about it for the remainder of the week.


Just being realistic…but you go for it. Maybe the candy will give them super writing powers this year? We are also reading Skeleton Hiccups and if you read my previous post, there is a craft and reader response page you can grab for free that will be in my Halloween packet.

What are you doing this week? What awesome books and activities are you planning for? I would love to hear about it! Make sure you link up for “Peek at My Week” with my buddy Deedee so we can all see your plans. Have a great week!

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  1. Girl! I see you have an observation tomorrow! I have one too! I will be thinking of you while I’m in the midst of mine! Good luck!

  2. Good luck today! I know you will be amazing!!! Have a great week!