TpT Conference Blog Hop

We are so beyond excited about the opportunity to talk to you all about blogging at the TpT conference. Have you signed up? You won’t want to miss the first TpT conference! The excitement swirling around this conference is getting me more and more pumped each day as we get closer.


This whole idea came about from attending a couple of panel sessions at the BlogHer conference last summer. As a conference participant, these were the sessions that I got the most out of. What I liked about these sessions is that they were laid back and the session was about what you wanted to know. The presenters didn’t have much of an agenda because they wanted to hear from you.

That is our goal as well!

After we discussed the idea, I thought who else on earth would I ask to do this with me!? I am not about to act like I know everything because you and I both know that is not the case. Plus, a panel is just that…an assortment of knowledge. Nobody knows it all…that’s why I asked some of my best buds to join up. Yes, we met through blogging but these people have become true friends to me. We all get a little crazy around each other so don’t expect a formal presentation. We are the back of the mullet part kind of presenters…here to party.

We can’t help it, but we can assure you a good time πŸ™‚

Panel members are {drumroll, please}:Β 

Cara Carroll from The First Grade Parade, Greg Smedley from The Kindergarten Smorgasboard, Deedee Wills from Mrs. Wills’ Kindergarten and Erica Bohrer from Erica’s Ed-Ventures.



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Posting those pictures just got me a little more excited to see everyone!

Where is my suitcase?

Β Here is our handout for the session on Friday {T10 10:45-noon} that you can download in my TpT store fo’ free.


Next you are headed to John Hughes blog to read about his session on Friday morning: Beginner Pinterest: Pin With the Best.

Educators Life Basic

Can’t wait to see you all in Vegas!


  1. We cannot wait to meet you in Vegas! It’s going to be a BLAST!

  2. Elizabeth, I am really looking forward to meeting you and being a part of your session. I just can’t wait.

    Emma πŸ™‚

  3. Can’t wait, my friend! πŸ™‚ The pool time… uh, hum…. conference sessions will be great! πŸ™‚

  4. Awe, love that picture of us! Can’t wait to hang with you again πŸ™‚

  5. I’m so excited to meet you! xox