I love the idea of a random linky party because, really? It’s the middle of summer and I just don’t have a lot going on at school. So let’s be random! First, I am linking up with Fabulous in First Grade.
I hope everyone had a fabulous 4th of July. We spent our entire day inside in the cabin at the lake. I think I might have talked about how much fun the lake was going to be and it actually turned in to how much fun the lake house was going to be.
It wasn’t horrible.
It was actually tons of fun to do nothing with all of our closest friends.
We were inside playing dominoes (or pretending to play a game and make up our own rules) when all of a sudden I heard the loudest sound I have ever heard. An 80 foot tree fell to the ground right outside the cabin. It sounded like fireworks (ironically enough) but this tree had been eroding for who knows how long and all the rain made the ground soft enough for the tree to uproot and fall.
Crazy and a little bit scary.
It didn’t fall on the cars or the house. We were blocked in until the neighbor came over with his chainsaw to free the driveway.
So that was my 4th.

Linky party 2
I totally forgot to link up the last time but I love this linky because so many people have so many fabulous ideas for character education! There are so many great books to read about character ed. but I’ll try to keep it to my favorite five.
1. For introducing rules:

2. For talking about being honest:

3. Tattling…because it’s the most annoying thing e.v.e.r. This is a great book to read the first week of school and to refer to throughout the year.

4. We read this book to talk about integrity and being a good friend even when the teacher or an adult isn’t around.

5. Back to telling the truth…

Maybe you already read some of these books and you’re saying…well of course I know about these books. I hope someone found out about a new book though
I can’t wait to see everyone what everyone else posts!
And last but not least, I am linking up with sweet Amy from 24/7 teacher for her first linky party ever.

So my two sweet summer items for today are my new TpT freebie for ya for when we go back in case you haven’t downloaded it yet.
And this Tuesday is our two year anniversary (that snuck up on my and I forgot remembered when I saw it on Amy’s suggestions)!
Every time I go to look at wedding pictures I get so depressed that my Cinderella dress is in a box at my parents house. Waaaah.
I cried when they took it to preserve it.
As my husband says #whitepeopleproblems

I’m a little biased but I think our wedding was hands down the most fun wedding I’ve ever been to.
I mean, don’t you wish you were partying with pink sunglasses with us?

So that’s my long linky post! I hope that you will link up with some of these fabulous bloggers ;0)
T-minus one week until Vegas!
If you are going, make sure to go to Facebook and sign up for the meet-up that is happening and down-load this freebie from Mrs. Deedee Willis.
Back to organizing this crazy house for the up-coming “on the market” fiasco. I think I’ve changed my mind and I don’t want to move all this stuff!
Loveeeeee the dress!!!! I would cry too!
24/7 Teacher: Amy Harrod
Thanks Amy! I wonder if I should have not preserved it so I could put it on every year…I have serious withdraw :-/
Oh, yeah…books about telling the truth! I need to get me some of those after I experienced a few students who weren’t so keen on truth telling (and they had such skill)!!!!!
That First Grade Blog
Truth telling in Kindergarten can sometimes be a big lesson
Good luck!
Your wedding picture is beautiful. Thank goodness that tree fell in the right direction. So glad everyone is safe and sound! I hope I get to meet you in Las Vegas. I don’t have a facebook page, can I sign up?
Yes! I will e-mail you right now so you have my number and we can meet up
Your wedding picture is beautiful! Hope you have a great time in Vegas!
Our K Crew Rocks
Thanks Amber!
What great pictures!!
Thanks for linking up (Ruthie is a great little character!)
First Grade and Fabulous
Thanks for hosting such a great linky party!
Omg! Tattling Madeline!?!? I’ve gotta have it!
Mrs Plemons’ Kindergarten
It’s so perfect for the beginning of the year. I always say “Are you being a reporter or are you tattling?” and they know exactly what I’m talking about.