Fairy Tale Freenzy!!!

I NEVER thought I was going to finish this unit. It was one of those where you get started and then it feels like it is never going to end! I just kept on getting ideas and didn’t want to leave anything out. Plus, everything that I had in my folder was a melange of papers that were given to me from K teachers that taught 20 years ago. Barf…
So, here is my fun unit that is hot off the press! 72 pages of Fairy Tales. I tried to leave things so that you could fill it in on your own without having to just use the 5 main stories that I am doing this week. I always like to read the Gruffalo as well. There are some blank story element pages in here so if you want to do an off the wall story like that, then you can 🙂 
And thanks to Jessica from Ideas by Jivey for introducing me to Picasa because it made this collage for me without me having to drag every single picture! 
Sorry this was just a promotion post, but I promise to have pictures and a freebie tomorrow for ya! The kiddos wrote a sorry letter to the bears today from the perspective of Goldilocks.
I may even get crazy and join a linky tomorrow! 


  1. Wow, you’ve been busy!!! I just clicked on the link, but I noticed there isn’t a preview. Would you be able to make a preview of the pictures you have as your thumbnails so we can see it easier? The graphics look too cute! Have a good night!

  2. Ok, you are going to have to tell me about picasa. Love the unit….it looks Ah-mazing as does everything you make! Our school is having their bookfair and I just saw that Mo Willems has a book out called Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs. I think I am going to get it for my classroom! 🙂 I will be on Spring Break the same time as you. This morning I told myself “only 3 more wake ups!” which is how my cousins always counted down our vacations when we were kids. 🙂

    Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten

  3. You mean there is something out there that can make the collage for you! What the!!! I totally resize and drag every image. Well better late than never..Lol.. And girl I totally feel ya on the tan feet. I think pale feet are gross and love it when I have tan feet. I agree with everything on your bucket list except for running every morning… Ha ha… I am not a good working-out kinda gal. Wish I was. It’s hard to keep motivated or even get motivated for me. Enjoy the beach & sun!!!

    Lovely Literacy & More