I am linking up with the ever so popular Five for Friday like I do every week 🙂
1. Let’s get the bad news out of the way…our Field Trip was cancelled yesterday to go see “Go, Dog! Go.” because there was a threat of bad weather. Can’t you hear all of the “awwwwwwwwwwwww mannnnnnnn” replies I got? Well, since I had no plans yesterday, we did an hour long recess (before it rained) ate lunch in the classroom and (gasp) watched a movie and had Book Buddies. I think they thought that it was even better than going on the Field Trip!Â
Good News: we got rescheduled to go next week. Of course, there is rain in the forecast!Â
This is what it looked like outside yesterday…bleh. The kids did like being the weather forecasters though and talking about the nimbus clouds that were rolling in.Â
2. I finished my Earth Day unit and if you check out my post about it..there might be a little freebie for ya!
3. Mrs. Pauley and I had a 200 follower joint giveaway and there is only one day left! You gotta enter by tomorrow because that’s when we will pick our winner! Â
4. We did our weather unit this week. We kicked it off by having Thunder Cake. Let me tell you, not a bad way to start a fun unit. The kids didn’t even realize that it was actual thunder cake and there were tomatoes in it. I bet Jessica Seinfield doesn’t have this in her Deceptively Delicious cookbook, haha.
5. So this year I have started doing math tubs and I know that many of you have fabulous ideas for tubs. I feel like I have been scraping to get ideas for my tubs. My buddy Greg from Smedley’s Smorgasboard just did a post about QR codes and it has rocked my world! I may be more excited about it than my students probably will be! I know what I am going to be learning how to do this weekend ;0) I am really hoping to be able to learn how to do it so I can add it to my own units! So fun! Thanks Greg!
You can get his Bloomin’ subtraction QR code freebie! Gotta love a freebie!Â
Bummer on the field trip being cancelled. At least you won’t be missing out completely! Can’t believe our giveaway is ending tonight. So exciting!!! 🙂
Love ya!
Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten
I know! Woohoo!!!!
Hate the trip was cancelled. The weather has been crazy here too. Love doing math tubs. They are great and such a time saver once you have everything organized.
That’s been my issue….getting it all organized! I’m hoping that next year will be easier since I did it this year!
So sorry to hear about your field trip being canceled. The weather was crazy here, too! But, the Thundercake LOOKS amazing, but not so sure about the tomatoes..haha 🙂
First Grade Fairytales
The chocolate masks any tomato flavor ;0)
Love that you made the “thunder cake!” That is one of our favorite books…we even blogged about it Sunday! 🙂
Tamra and Sarah
Sorry, I meant to copy and paste this…
First Grade Buddies
Haha I know where to find y’all! You are on my list of faves ;0)
I was even saying “awwww man” for you! But kinda awesome that you saved yourself the nightmare of a field trip 🙂 Awesome Earth Day Freebie – thanks!
Lucky to Be in First
I am so impressed with your blog and look forward to seeing what’s up next. Isn’t it awful to have a field trip canceled! Been there. You were quick on your feet and made it a great day anyway! We live way up in a small mountain town-far away from EVERYTHING so field trips are super exciting and a big-time disappointment when canceled. I’m glad your trip was rescheduled!