Nashville Blogger Meet-Up Updates

It is officially almost time for our meet-up! It is a week from this Saturday. I can’t believe the amount of sponsors we are going to have for our giveaway!

Look at this list of companies that are going to be supplying us with fabulous prizes!


The list has grown and I predict that this is not the end of it. Greg and I are so excited about it!!!

1383948_525900084169913_207902543_n I have already sent out some information to the people that have signed up on our Google Doc. You will want to do this so you are in “the know” of what we are going to be doing. I have also been sending out hotel info for those of you that will need a place to stay overnight. We have people flying in and driving in from all over the place! Not only is it fun to put a face to the blog, but there will be some seriously good “stuff” to grab while you are with us.

Are you coming!?!?