Five for Friday…I mean Saturday


I had every intention of having this post up yesterday, but then Friday got in the way.

1. I have been all over some indoor recess on YouTube. We have been doing yoga from the Cosmic Kids channel, but so many of you have left some great ideas on other videos that are engaging. Keep ’em coming because it looks like it will be well below freezing next week as well!
securedownload (12)2. We are moving.

And by moving, I mean next Thursday.

I am going to stop being short of breath and just continue to type…

securedownload (9)The plan was to be in the new house as we moved out of the current house. Why even make plans when you are in the process of new construction? It’s going to be an interesting few weeks…

3. While I have been avoiding things likes taxes, movers, morgages, boxes, realtors, contracts…I have been reading Divergent. I am a reader that likes series so this is right up my ally.  download

 4. I’m glad I didn’t have this post done yesterday because I wouldn’t be able to share this.

As two kiddos are walking away from my desk I heard one of them say to the other, “I think Mrs. Hall has a smelly marker problem”.

Scentos has really gotten the best of me.

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5. We finally got the chance to do this hibernation vs. migration sort. Most all of the students know that bears hibernate so I like to talk about different animals and the difference between hibernation and migration. It was one of my very first things I made. Click on the picture if you want to try it. It’s free 🙂 securedownload (15)

Breaks over…back to packing!


  1. I just finished Allegiant! Loved that series and can’t wait for the movie in March!

  2. Don’t we all have a smelly marker problem? I can’t tell you how many of my kids walk around with dots underneath their noses. Me too! Good luck with the move. You must be so excited!!!

  3. Thanks for posting about the Cosmic Yoga. I used it on Friday for inside recess and many co-workers saw it and also used it.