Snow and “Super” Sale











We might actually be getting a snow day tomorrow! I don’t want to jinx myself but the beautiful colors of green, purple and blue are headed this way. We have been in the polar vortex {at least for TN} for the past week with no white stuff.

Groundhog better be seeing his shadow today…all I’m sayin’.

I don’t have my plans for you all today. #failure

It would be because all of my “school” stuff is still at school. I also have this secret hope that all of the work that I put in to the lesson plans this week will be a complete waste of time because of snow 🙂

As most of you know, we are in the midst of packing up our lives and going from one house to the next. New house isn’t ready so we are in the “homeless” state. I have come to the realization that I have wayyyyy to much stuff to be a vagabond. I am embarrased to tell you how many pairs of shoes I have.

That’s not important.

Here’s what’s important….


superbowl 14 sale


Spoken like a true shop-a-holic.

Now, load up those carts and cheer on the Broncos!