December Currently

What the WHAT!!?!?

It’s December and I am nowhere near done shopping for Christmas gifts. I am also very ill prepared for school “stuff” and I think I have something every night of the week until we are out of school.

Tis’ the season 🙂

I love linking up with Farley for Currently.

I’m just not sure how I feel about it being December already…


I cannot stop listening to Christmas music. I have found a few new favorites. I scour Spotify for all of my favorites and it just runs from the time I get up until I go to bed. Well, that might be exaggerating a bit but it’s on in the car or any down time that I have in December.

We spent allllll day on Saturday putting this bad boy up.


A few of my Kindergartners have been rocking this Minnetonka boots. I figured we all needed to coordinate and ordered myself a pair. I haven’t taken them off since they came in the mail last week.


We got this (too soon?).

14 Days.


I haven’t done ANY TpT shopping today and my cart is filled to the brim with more on the horizon so I’m off to take care of that.

Happy Shopping!


  1. I LOVE your tree! That would go perfectly with my decorating style!! Good luck with the next 14 days!

  2. Elizabeth,
    That is a gorgeous tree! And it seems like everyone but ME is listening to Christmas music nonstop – I need to start ASAP!
    And isn’t it funny how we see something that our students are wearing and think hmm…I like that! Kids sometimes are great fashion inspiration.
    Teaching Voracious Learners

  3. I haven’t started Christmas shopping either. Unless you count the TPT sale. We will make it to winter break!! Hang in there!

  4. If you figure out how to have a stress-free week let me know! I still owe you a phone call!

    A Rocky Top Teacher