Peek at My Week

I think I could get used to this 3 day weekend deal. I was in a wedding Saturday so that was pretty much all of Friday and Saturday. We clean up every so often ๐Ÿ™‚


ย Then, I sort of got to have my full weekend Sunday and Monday. I would vote for 3 day weekends all year ๐Ÿ™‚

I have an even shorter week this week because I’m heading to ATL on Thursday to visit RCA! I don’t even think I’m going to be able to sleep this week because I am 1. SO excited to go back. 2. The new building is going to be AMAZING 3. I get to see all of my closest friends.

peek at my week final 2014

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I saved MLK stuff for tomorrow. I just didn’t have time on Friday to cover it the way that I wanted to. Some of my favorite books are these two:



I have a little mini-unit that I think covers this topic age appropriately. It’s such a hard concept for little kids to grasp, but I do think it’s important that we talk about it because he was such an important figure and role model. We can’t leave things out just because it’s hard to talk about or because we don’t think our kids understand it.


We are also going to be talking about polar animals and hibernating and migrating. This unit needs some serious revamping but it’s what I’ve got for now ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s just a simple sort of hibernating and migrating animals. If your school has a BrainPop subscription, there are some great Moby videos on both topics ๐Ÿ™‚


We are also reading and doing some story comparisons of the Bear Snores On series. My kiddos really love those books each year and this short little week seemed like a great week to do it between 100th day, Field Trips, Spring Break…etc.

Here is my bookshelf for the week.


Hope you have enjoyed your long weekend just as much as I have!


  1. Lindsey Westerveld says:

    I love seeing your sneak peaks at your weekโ€ฆdo you not do the Guided Readers every week with the different book?