Crankenstein Valentine Activity

I have been feeling very meh this week. You know how it goes this time of the year…

It’s freezing, there is no end in sight, and everyone is just ready for some warmer weather!!! I feel like I have lost all of my creativity and I just want it to be Friday already. I’m being too honest here…

It also doesn’t help that we haven’t had a single. snow. day.

Now, I’m done complaining because we did something really fun today :-p

I had to say to myself, “SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!”.

Today, we read the story Crankenstein Valentine (which seemed fitting, don’t cha think?).


After we finished reading the story, we talked about how the character had a change of heart. He didn’t all of a sudden become a fan of Valentine’s Day, but he had an overall change of attitude. It’s a great story to use when talking about having a good attitude. Even though you might not like something, you shouldn’t be a “crankenstein” about it.



When we finished the writing portion of the activity, we made these Crankenstein Valentine guys. I had the kids draw their own expression on his face. Then, we use Valentine stickers to valentine him up.


I hope you can use this for a little Valentine’s Day fun 🙂



  1. Just to tell you that I have felt the same way all week! Here, In Québec, Canada, the snow keeps falling, no snow day in sight, but it is loooonnnnggg! Tired, uninspired, and dragging myself along. Good on you for the great activity!

  2. Oh my gosh that is the cutest craft!