Prayers, last day, and linky

I just learned today about the horrible events that happened yesterday. I am beyond heartbroken for those families that were that were involved in the horrific devastation of yesterdays tornado. The thought of being at school while that was happening is unimaginable. There are a lot of ways we can reach out to this community. One […]

Let’s Get Acquainted on my last Sunday before Monday!

It’s my last Sunday before Monday! I was super sad last week and today I am feeling pretty excited that I only have one more Monday to wake up. Even though we have to go to school until Friday this week…the kids have their last day on Tuesday.  I love a good linky party and […]

Five for Friday…keep calm

It’s Friday and it’s Field Day (which got cancelled for the 2nd time due to rain)… And it’s almost time for summer break (Tuesday).  So guess what that means? c-r-a-z-y kids. I mean cray cray.I love these babies but they are all acting like they are confused as to what they are supposed to do […]

Get the Tissue Ready…then grab a freebie!

I am a hot mess. Seriously, a blubbering fool. It’s not even a pretty cry. It’s the kind of cry where mascara is running down your face and your face turns all red  and the hiccups take over for words.  I can’t even tell my husband something sweet that happened at school for fear that […]

My First Guest Blogger!

I am so excited to be hosting my first guest blogger, Sarah, from Teaching is Colorful. She has wonderful ideas and is fab 🙂 Make sure you check out her blog!  _________________________________________________________ Hi Everyone! I am very excited to be guest blogging for Elizabeth today! First, let me introduce myself! 🙂 My name is Sarah […]

Announcing the Winner and Linky

I can’t even believe I have the hand strength to type right now. Hashtag report card problems! They are the worst. I am just doing a little at a time so I am not in an arm sling by next week.  Geez.  That’s my drama for the night 😛 Who do I think I’m talking […]

I know I know….but you could win it :)

I shouldn’t be a pushy product person blogger (that just rolls off the tongue) but I just finished an entire unit of Poetry for Kindergarten and I am so excited to not have to worry about this next year! Of course, it’s the end of the year and we only have one full week left…but […]

Five for Friday

It’s a rainy Friday here. It would have been the perfect morning to pull the covers up and go back to sleep.  But I had to get up to teach spin and then come to school to finish up the week 🙂 Thank goodness it’s Friday though and it’s time to link up with Doodle […]

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