Some Big News!

This post has nothing to do with teaching and everything to do with the fact that I’m pregnant.


We’ve been trying since August, which I know is nothing ย compared to some, but felt like an eternity to someone that’s been ready for it!

So, if you came to get a teaching idea, come back tomorrow :-p

A former parent of mine (obviously…an amazing photographer) took these pictures for us. Maggie was SO good during our little photo session. Partially because there is a treat on top of the lense of the camera. She would do whatever we wanted her to do for that tiny little taste of Pup-Peroni.

These were some of my favorite shots from the day.

hall baby anounce 1

hall baby anounce 3

hall baby anounce 9

hall baby anounce 14

Now, these pictures were taken before I felt like I was going to (sorry for TMI) yack all over the place 24 hours a day. This was our “Oh my gosh! We are so happy!” pictures. If you were to take a picture of me right now, I would probably have a package of saltines in my hand. I also heard that B6 helps…so this has been my diet for the past week.


Not as cute as the pictures above, but it is what it is.

A parent brought me some Peppermint oil yesterday to put in my water and it has been a game changer! Oh my gosh. I hope that it continues to work because feeling like I just got off a roller coaster all day is not my definition of a good time.

I went to the doctor this morning and it’s the size of a jellybean. It’s literately a blip on the radar. Jon and I have been referring to it as “the rice” for the past few weeks so I guess now we will call it “bean”.

IMG_0057 (2)

Any other good tricks that I should know? I feel like the Peppermint oil is just skimming the surface so if you all have any good remedies, I’m all ears!

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Peppermint was definitely my savior, too! Congratulations, Elizabeth! Such wonderful news! Enjoy the journey!
    Always Kindergarten

  2. Congratulations! These are the best pictures. I can’t wait to see the nursery!
    For me, drinking a ton of water helped tremendously. Also, I have Celiac disease so I needed to find Gluten Free Prenatal vitamins and I found the Rainbow Lite vitamins to be the best. Some of my friends were getting sick from their prenatal vitamins and switched to these and felt much better. Good luck!!!

  3. sandy welch says:

    So very, very happy for you and your husband. You will amazing parents! Hold on to your hat and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!

  4. Christina says:

    Congratulations!!!! We started calling our daughter “the bean” while I was pregnant and was the size of a bean. She’s 5 months old now and we still call her bean. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Your pictures are absolutely adorable and your little guy is SO incredible for not ruining those great pictures! Can’t wait to stay updated :)!

    Miss Peluso’s Kindergarten

  6. Lee Ann says:

    Congratulations! My oldest is 21, almost 22, and I was sick for the first 3 months and the last 3 months. I don’t mean to scare you. ๐Ÿ™‚ My diet consisted of saltines, too, and Wendy’s Frosties seemed to help at times. It may not feel like it now, but you will not remember the feeling later.

  7. Congratulations to you all! Such exciting news! Looks like Maggie is going to be a great big sister! Shelties are such sweet dogs! Hope you start feeling better really soon!

  8. Congratulations! Those pictures are adorable.

  9. Adriana S. says:

    Congratulations! Popsicles and Icees were the only thing that helped me. The people at the 7-11 next to my school knew me because I would stop every day for a few months to get a Dr. Pepper Icee for breakfast.

  10. Woohoo! This is SUCH exciting news! I am thrilled for you and your growing ADORABLE family!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Yeah!!! I’m so excited for you. Congrats to you and your husband. It’s a wild ride but so worth it.

  12. YIPPEE!!! So glad the cat is out of the bag!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I MAY have already been shopping for “bean” already! Luv ya!!

  13. YAY! YAY! YAY! I am so happy for you and your hubby! This is such an amazing blessing! Your beautiful family is going to be even more precious once this miracle enters the world! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I was really sick during my pregnancy (Molly is now almost 4). Peppermint oil helped a lot but I also found that the motion sickness bands on my wrist were also really helpful. It know that sounds weird but that helped! I can’t wait for belly pics to show up on my IG feed!

  14. Congratulations! Ginger… I never drank go ginger ale, but it was a huge help when things were unsettled. Also, get the chewable prenatals from your doctor… I lost the pills, whole several times and that helped.

  15. Congratulations! I love the pics too, what a cute way to make the big announcement. Enjoy this time, it will go by fast.

  16. Congratulations! I lived on Ritz crackers and bagels my first trimester. Even though it’s really hard to eat something when you’re feeling like crap, eating something plain in the morning and a few crackers every hour or so really helped me keep the nausea at bay. My students loved all the “snack” times we had at the beginning of the year and can’t understand why we don’t have them as often anymore! Also, take your prenatal vitamins at night, everyone told me I would be less likely to lose them. I don’t know if it helped or not, but I never got sick after taking them at night. Good luck! There really did seem to be a magic switch that flipped once the second trimester hit and the nausea just went away. I have 7 more weeks to go till I get to meet my little one and despite all the not so fun pregnancy symptoms it really is a wonderful, amazing time. Enjoy it!

  17. Congratulations!

  18. Congratulations! That is SUCH exciting news! Hopefully the peppermint oil will keep you feeling better!

  19. They also have Ginger lollipops that are tremendously helpful. I lived on those things. Ginger is a natural stomach calming ingredient. Ginger ale is also good obviously.

  20. How exciting!!! I absolutely love your pictures. Wish I had thought to do something like that way back when we had our daughter (who we call our one good egg!) So fun! Best of luck to you and your hubby!