Gingerbread Week

We had a busy busy week with Gingerbread stories. One of my favorite activities to do during our literacy time is to compare the characters and the settings in the story. I keep these charts with me all week and each day we compared the different versions. That is what is so great about these […]

Five for Friday

One week down and two to go. I hardly count the week before break as an actual week because we are all scraping the kids off the ceiling, so I’m just going to think of it as one week left. That sounds much better 🙂 1. My number one of all time is going to […]

Show Us What You Bought Linky

My spending habit is what my husband might refer to as a “problem”. I just look at it as me doing my part in our economy. It’s just as simple as that. Doing my part. I could probably single handily pull our country out of the deficient we are in with a couple swipes of […]

Peek at My Week {Gingerbread and Freebie}

Hi there! I have been on a bit of a blogging hiatus this week. I think I have covered the entire Southeast going from Nashville to Ft. Lauderdale and then hopping on a plane to head to Louisville. Then, making the final drive to Nashville on Friday. As much fun as it was to be […]

Natural vs. Man-Made for Little Learners {Freebie}

I really thought when I read this standard that it was kind of a joke. In my head, I thought “Ok, fancy wording for common sense”. Not really. It actually baffled me that some of the kids did not really grasp this concept. They also started confusing living and non-living with natural and man-made. I […]

Peek at My Week

I have been putting this off all day. I am delusional with the idea of a snow day tomorrow. Do I think it’s going to happen? The practical part inside of me is a no way but there is a little glimpse of my ridiculous side that thinks we might have a chance. Regardless of […]

Five for Friday

Holy coldness! How many of you are in the same polar vortex!? 1. That’s my number one. It’s just flat out cold. Are you all in a snow day kind of district? We are. I am a white crayon in the window, ice cube flushing, PJ inside out wearer kind of girl. We LOVE snow […]

Shake it Off!

One of the ways I like to bringing learning to life in my room is through music…especially through music that kids {and maybe their teacher} really love. One such individual is T-Swift. I tried to explain how I do this with my kids, but I feel like it’s better if I show you. I asked […]