Peek at My Week {Stone Soup}

This week is such a fun week…for me…mostly because it involves food. We do a week of Stone Soup every year. I have my go to versions of the story, but I have seen some new ones that I am going to add to my collection. Here are the different versions of the book that […]

Punctuation Detectives {Freebie}

Punctuation is such a hard concept for students to understand. It’s not the easiest concept to teach either. I really love Michelle Oakes unit of Punctuation People. The kids are able to connect the punctuation marks to characters and that seems to make it meaningful. We finished the week off by being “Punctuation Detectives”. I […]

Dictionary Drive {Giveaway}

I did a post about my literacy stations and how I run them a few days ago. One aspect of my literacy stations that I really like is the fact that I have some staple stations that I don’t have to explain every. single. time. One of those stations is Dictionary Drive. Students just know […]

Peek at My Week {Punctuation}

I’m going to tell you right now…I was STRESSING out about what I was going to do this week. It’s not quite time for Stone Soup and Thanksgiving stuff is just not even on my radar. Are you ok with me admitting that sometimes I just get completely overwhelmed? That happened last week while I […]

Five for Friday {Halloween}

At least not yet anyways… Happy Halloween Friday to you. And me, really. I am thanking my lucky stars this year for Halloween falling on a Friday. The day after Halloween needs to be considered a national holiday. Kids come in with their faces half painted after their parents gave up trying to scrub it […]

How To Run Literacy Stations

Do I know everything about how to run literacy stations? Well {I’ll admit it}, no. I would like to think that I do, but I know each individual is different. I know that the skill sets for all of our kinders vary. You have to find a system that works for you and your students. […]

Peek at My Week {Halloween}

Is it just me or is this week better than Christmas!?!? I’m not a huge Halloween buff or anything, but for some reason…I just really love this week at school. The bookshelf in itself is exciting. It might be the books that I love the most about this week. The Little Old Lady, Stellaluna, Creepy […]

Tally Time and Busy Week

I need at least 45 hours in a day to accomplish everything that I want. I have been totally MIA over here this week. I feel like I have some splainin’ to do… We’ve had a crazy busy week from Field Trips to everything pumpkin. I also got a chance to hang out with my […]