Environmental Print

This week has been filled with environmental print. The reason we talk so much about environmental print, is to bring awareness to kids that they are already readers. They are readers if they know how to pick out their favorite snack from the pantry, their favorite movie, open the favorite app, read street signs…but they […]

All You Want to Know about Kindergarten Oral Presentations

People look at me like I’m crazy when I tell them that I have my students present throughout the year. Yes, public speaking in Kindergarten. Mind blown. They can actually do it…and they are amazing. Here are reasons that I do oral presentations in my room: 1. Most adults can’t do it well and are […]

Peek at my Week {Freebies}

How is it time for another week already!? Where does the time go? This week, we are starting our first shared reading, the kiddos have their FIRST oral presentation, environmental print, continuing on with name of the day and start digging our heels in to reader’s work-shop. I am even more excited because my student […]

Favorite Book Parade {Freebie}

One of my favorite things to do during Reader’s Workshop is to allow the kiddos to bring their favorite books from home. The connection with reading from home and school is VITAL when it comes to building a strong reading foundation. Before I let them have their “book parade”, I read them one of my […]

It’s All in The Family {Giveaway & New Unit}

Family is one of the bigger topics that we cover at the beginning of the year. We start talking about “Me” and then try to move the attention away from “Me” to family because it is a topic that students feel like they know. The first oral presentation I have my students give is about […]

Erin Condren Teacher Planner

Have I told you lately how much I love my new Erin Condren Teacher Planner? The box on the front porch when I got home from school last week felt a little bit like Christmas. It comes in the fanciest shipping box I have ever seen. I almost didn’t even want to open the box […]

Name of the Day {Freebie}

 I’ve had a lot of questions about name of the day and what I do for that part of the morning. I can tell you…this is not my idea and it’s not that difficult to do. I have taken a lot of different ideas from my team-mates from the past couple of years and just […]

Peek at My Week

I made it out alive from my first full week of Kindergarten! I feel like that is something that we should all be celebrating. I did sleep for 11 hours on both Friday and Saturday night. Which means that I am even more ready for this week! Mrs. Hall is very thankful for coffee and […]