TpT Sale Extended!

Oops…meant to post this earlier as well as an original sale post but I think you all know by now. BUT, just in case, the TpT sale has been extended through today! Holy clip-art. I can’t stop buying it. That’s all I have for you today! I had another snow day so no classroom thoughts […]

Why I Love Worry Woos!

I have not done a good job telling you all about WorryWoos this year. I  am just simply in love with them. A third grade teacher at our school shared them with us and the entire K team has been using them all year. There are six different Woos and each “monster’ has their own […]

Peek at My Presidential Week

I’m trying not to get ahead of myself but I’m just too excited NOT to! LOOK AT THIS!!!!! 8-12 INCHES!!?!? I live in Tennessee where I have never in my whole entire life seen more than a few inches (at best). We haven’t even had one teeny tiny little snow day this year. I think […]

Peek at My Week

I am SO ready for this week! I love getting Valentine’s Day books together because I really love talking to my kids about Valentine’s Day because it’s just such a happy holiday. There are so many sweet books and it’s such a great time to talk about friendship and being kind to one another. Here […]

Punctuation Police

I have had this idea swirling in my head since the beginning of the year that I was going to turn my classroom in to a crime scene where students have to be “punctuation police”. Kim Bearden does grammar police at RCA and when I went back last week, I just knew that I was […]

Peek at My Week

My heart is so incredibly full after this weekend visiting Ron Clark Academy. I promise that I’m going to fill you in on my amazing weekend but I am still in such a mesmerized state that I’m not sure I could do it justice this afternoon. I also went to bed after midnight the past […]

Peek at My Week

I think I could get used to this 3 day weekend deal. I was in a wedding Saturday so that was pretty much all of Friday and Saturday. We clean up every so often 🙂  Then, I sort of got to have my full weekend Sunday and Monday. I would vote for 3 day weekends […]

Peek at My Week

It’s that time again! No snow for us this week. There was one tiny little flake there last week but it has vanished. We are in for a full week of snowmen and matter. Here is my bookshelf for the week. Someone asked me if I let me kids take the books off the shelf […]