Punctuation Detectives {Freebie}

Punctuation is such a hard concept for students to understand. It’s not the easiest concept to teach either. I really love Michelle Oakes unit of Punctuation People. The kids are able to connect the punctuation marks to characters and that seems to make it meaningful. We finished the week off by being “Punctuation Detectives”. I […]

Peek at My Week {Punctuation}

I’m going to tell you right now…I was STRESSING out about what I was going to do this week. It’s not quite time for Stone Soup and Thanksgiving stuff is just not even on my radar. Are you ok with me admitting that sometimes I just get completely overwhelmed? That happened last week while I […]

Peek at My Week {Halloween}

Is it just me or is this week better than Christmas!?!? I’m not a huge Halloween buff or anything, but for some reason…I just really love this week at school. The bookshelf in itself is exciting. It might be the books that I love the most about this week. The Little Old Lady, Stellaluna, Creepy […]

Tree Freebie and Peek at My Week

This is going to have to be a two-fer. I meant to post earlier about our tree book, but we had company this weekend and the week long celebration of my hubby’s birthday ended last night with all of our friends out at Arrington Vineyards. On Friday, we ended our tree study by going on […]

Peek at My Week of Leaves and Fall

My post is going to be short and sweet! We are at the beach and every second I’m typing is sweet seconds away from the sand. It’s also my hubby’s birthday so computer time is not ranked as a top priority today. We’ve watched the sunset everyday and I am uber sad that today is […]

Peek at My Week {Apples and Fall}

Fall Break is so close I can almost taste it. Or that might just be the pumpkin candle and chili that are making me have sensory overload. I really get excited about everything Fall. I buy every pumpkin and apple picture book I can get my hands on. My October book collection is out of […]

Vowel Surgery

WHEW!!!! What a day. The best comment I got was, “That was SO hard but SO fun.” Bingo….nailed it on the head. That was the point sir 🙂 You can do as much or as little as you want with this post. I tend to take things a little bit beyond where they probably should […]

Science Tools in Kindergarten

I remember last year reading the standard about students using tools. I thought…”Ok, how can I make this fun?” I always catch myself brushing science and social studies to the side at times. I am trying reallllyyyy hard this year to make it an everyday occurrence because they love it! Most students tend to be […]