I hope that you had fun ringing in the New Year last night!

My husband and I hosted a PJ party at our house. Let me tell you…that was the way to go. No heels, no expensive dresses with shoes that hurt, no crowds, and no everything I can’t stand about going out on New Years :-p


So that was fun and now I’m the proud owner of a pair of leopard print silk pajamas. It’s a win win situation.

I’m linking up with my girl Farley for January Currently. 


Listening– To football. What ELSE is there to do on New Year’s Day? There is football for days and days. I don’t think it has been turned off since we woke up.

Loving– I mean…it goes without saying. We are all kind of loving our time off to sleep in, hang out with family and recharge.

Thinking– As I sit here and blog, I just keep beating myself up that I need to be working on my presentations for VEGAS! This is real life. I am presenting at the I Teach K conference this summer and I might be offering up payment for you to come sit in one of my sessions (kidding?…I’m not sure yet). I really love sharing my ideas and my classroom with y’all but I do a much better job behind my computer screen…right?

Of course, I’m kidding (or am I?).

Wanting– My new cookbook “Eat Well” to arrive pronto. I started Whole30 on Monday and today is the day that I’m feeling the “carb flu”. It’s part of the process of cleansing your system of sugar and I literately feel like I’ve been hit by a bus today. I am excited about the days after this because I know that I am going to feel great. Just gotta push through this little phase. I know a lot of you are wanting to be healthier this year. Check out Rachelle’s post here.

She will kind of run you through everything and you can join us at anytime! There is a group of teachers doing it together and we all know it’s easier with a support group!

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Needing– Which kind of flows in to the next one…I need to go to the store. If you are going to be successful at Whole30, then you have to prep and plan.

Wish– Maybe I will be able to write a post about “How To Not Suck at Presenting” by the end of the year.

Fingers crossed.

I am nervous but also excited about this opportunity. I think that challenging yourself (like talking in front of grown-ups) is a way to improve. It’s a good thing that teachers are so kind 🙂

Go link up and Happy New Year to you!



  1. You’re going to ROCK it in Vegas! Can’t wait! 🙂

  2. I LOVE my time off too! I was listening to the nice sounds of my niece and nephew playing but now I am listening the the sounds of a three year old temper tantrum. I’d rather listen to football. hehe

    Enjoy the rest of your break!

  3. Hannah Stark says:

    LOVE the pajama party idea! Congrats on the new venture… I love presenting!
    21st Century K

  4. Elizabeth, I’m right there with you about going out on New Year’s Eve. I cannot stand the crowds and the pressure to be dressed in expensive and uncomfortable clothing. My husband and I decided to stay in this year and it was such a blessing. I am in LOVE with your PJs. They look so comfortable.

    I envy anyone that can stay committed to meal prepping and planning on a regular basis. I hate going to the grocery store. I tend to stick to basics and our eating habits are very plain and boring around here. I admire that you spend the time to plan your meals out! Happy planning and I hope you are a stellar presenter this year!

  5. Presenting is so much fun and so rewarding when you are able to share your love, passion, and teaching techniques with other educators. You will do so well in this new chapter!


  6. You will be an awesome presenter!!! Even though I teach first, I LOVE your stuff!!! Can’t wait to see your success as a presenter!!!!

  7. I am saving my pennies for Vegas this year!!! I will be sitting in the front row. You are amazing and I can’t wait to see your presentation!!

  8. You will do wonderful presenting in Vegas. I love your ideas and I can’t wait to see you present this summer.