Day 1- Meet the Teach

This is falling perfectly with my back to school week. Thanks to the girls over at Blog Hoppin’ for organizing this linky party!
The older kiddos are starting their second day back and we have one last day of assessments for our K kiddos. They will be here in full force on Wednesday and I can’t wait to meet my new little kiddos! They are just the cutest. I am getting this together because we all know what it’s like the first week back…especially in Kindergarten. Bedtime is 5 p.m. every night.
I’m not talking about the kids…
So the schedule is as follows for the week. I can’t wait to show you my classroom pictures! It has been an undertaking this year to get my classroom set up so that it works best for what I envision.
I’m meeting the parents tomorrow night so this is perfect and I can use these slides to tell them a little bit about myself.
My husband and I love sports and enjoy going to football games together. I can’t wait for football season to be back in full effect!!
I can’t wait to meet other great teachers!


  1. I know what you mean about going to bed early. I fell asleep on the couch the first few weeks of school when I taught kindergarten this year. If I taught it again this year, I’d be going to bed early too! I also worked with another teacher last year that was a spin instructor. I know a lot of teachers that don’t just teach during the day. They are always on the go! Once I have been teaching the same grade level for more than a year or two and don’t have to start in a new grade every year, I’ll probably do the same thing. 🙂

    Tacky the Teacher

  2. Good luck with your new crew of kiddos on Wednesday!! I hear ya on the early bed time 🙂

    The Cozy Classroom

  3. Next summer we are going to a Cubs game together with our hubbys. It’s decided. 😉

    Love ya,
    Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten

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