Kindergarten Assessment Pack')">
Here is an assessment pack that can be used to help determine the level that your Kindergarten age student might be at. This assessment pack does not guarantee that your student/child is ready for Kindergarten. It can be used as a tool to guide readiness. Every school and expectations are different. These are typical Kindergarten skills that are tested at the beginning of the year.
Teaching duration (30 minutes).
This 24 page assessment pack includes:
- lowercase letter and sound identification
- uppercase letter and sound identification
- sight word recognition
- color and number word recognition
- rhyming words
- syllable segmentation
- number sense
- number recognition
- positional words
- shape identification
- color identification
You can find an editable scoring page for sight words here:
Editable Sight Words
Copyright © 2013 Elizabeth Hall All rights reserved by author. Permission to copy for single classroom use only. Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.
Not for public display.