Let’s Wash')">
Young readers love Mrs. Wishy Washy! I have found some other great versions of Wishy Washy at Hameray Publishing. Kids love seeing the same character in a different story.
While learning about Mrs. Wishy Washy, you can use this bundle to help guide your students to a deeper understanding of the character. The kids love reading about how her and the animals change from story to story.
This 19 page lesson plan bundle includes:
- Comprehension questions (higher order thinking)
- Differentiated character identification assessments
- What would you give Mrs. Wishy Washy for her birthday illustrating/writing prompt
- Mud writing
- Mrs. Wishy Washy adjective graphic organizer
- Mr. Wishy Washy graphic organizer
- 2 coloring pages for morning/word work
- Mrs. Wishy Washy Wednesday Word Problem
- Re-tell tub/mud activity in color & black and white
Copyright © 2013 Elizabeth Hall All rights reserved by author. Permission to copy for single classroom use only. Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.
Not for public display.