Love the Earth')">
This 31 page lesson plan unit includes:
- Earth Day Book Suggestions
- Earth Day craftivity. “Happy Earth Day” Necklace.
- Our Beautiful Earth bag cover (student color and glue to a paper bag to collect trash around the school).
- ”Love The Earth” Emergent reader for students.
- Colored Teacher Edition of Emergent Reader.
- Trees “Can Have Are” Tree Map.
- How will you help the earth? Graphic Organizer- use alone or as a writing plan page for student writing response on the following page.
- How will you help the earth? Student response.
- List for “Things that can be Recycled at School.”
- List for “Things that can be Recycled at Home.”
- “Love the Earth” original poem.
- Earth Read/Write the room.
- Earth Day fix the sentence.
- Earth Day addition/subtraction color by code.
- Rhyming Word Match and recording page.
- Build a sentence about the Earth.
Copyright © 2013 Elizabeth Hall All rights reserved by author. Permission to copy for single classroom use only. Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.