Pumpkins, Apples, and Leaves, Oh My!')">
- Leaf Poem
- Sort and graph leaves by color
- Complete the leafy pattern
- Build, write and illustrate the leaf sentence
- Colors of Fall Activity
- Leaves Can, Have, Are
- Dear Tree {thank you letter}
- Leaf Handwriting
- Apple Poem
- Match the number to the set
- Order numbers 11-20
- Apple Life Cycle
- How to make applesauce writing (recipe included)
- Apple Tasting Graph
- Apples Can, Have, Are
- Build, write and illustrate the apple sentence.
- Apple Handwriting
- Pumpkin Poem
- Numbers to 100 by 10’s pumpkin counting
- Ordering numbers 1-20 with recording page
- Build, write and illustrate the pumpkin sentence
- Colors of Fall Activity
- Pumpkins Can, Have, Are
- Pumpkin true/false sort
- Pumpkin Handwriting
Fall Literacy Stations and Writing
- Differentiated Syllable Stations
- Read and Write the Room
- ABC Order
- Dictionary Drive
- Fall Break Writing
- Four Square Fall
- Fall Writing page
Copyright © 2013 Elizabeth Hall All rights reserved by author. Permission to copy for single classroom use only. Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.
Not for public display