Etiquette Out There

Quick thought tonight from my friend Tracy at Social Strand Media. I was just reading her post about
I loved reading it because
1. She’s brilliant (she’s the mastermind behind the new web-site)
2. We should be taking her advice as bloggers and teacher sellers.
Obviously, there is blogger and Facebook etiquette that we should abide by. If you are reading this and you don’t know what “etiquette” I’m taking about, click the pictures below to read up 🙂
Here are two other great articles.
I know that new people get in here (me included) and get all crazy by posting and wanting everyone to “FOLLOW ME FOLLOW ME!!!!” because, of course, we all have fab ideas we want to share with everyone and we like the idea of having a little side business. Our brains are of that of a teacher and we don’t think quite so “businessy (not a word but go with it)”. It might be a natural thing for you, but it is not for me. Even though, I think you have to have a minor in PR to be a Kindergarten teacher….
As I was reading Tracy’s article, it got me thinking about blogging/facebook/pinterest/TpT/etc world that I entered in to last January not knowing what I was getting myself in to! It’s a wonderful world, but there are things we have to do to be respectful of one another and not worry so much about our “followers”.
They will come. You are your product. You and your ideas will come alive through your writing and your enthusiasm.
The best part of the article is #3 
“Too worried about the “number”Too many small businesses are worried about their fan base number rather than interacting with their fans. But what they don’t realize is that the more comments they get by posting interesting content that is relevant to their audience, the more people will actually see their brand and potentially become fans. It’s the best word-of-mouth there is.”
Your followers will become loyal followers if you don’t try to push to “like” you. It’s hard for us teachers because we just want everyone to like us!
I would rather have quality than quantity. I want my readers to be able to connect with me and find value in my ideas and come back for more. I am not, by any means, a perfect example of this. I have had my milestone follower giveaways (which I think is fine as long as you aren’t doing it for every 50-100 followers). As hard as I try to keep up with my comments, it can be difficult to respond to every single one. But I try and know I can improve.
I’ve got lots of exciting changes happening over here in the next couple of weeks!
Hope everyone is having a great back to school or almost back to school week.
I had to have me a glass of “kindergarten teacher blend” and a scoop of ice cream to cushion the blow of 4 days back in the classroom.
Happy almost Friday!


  1. Thanks for sharing these tips! It is great to stop and check yourself every so often. I have been blogging for a year now and I still have so much to learn! I agree with your favorite point. It is so easy to get caught up in having the big numbers. However, in the grand scheme of things, I would much rather have 10 followers who truly take an interest in what I have to say and comment on my blog like friends than 1000 who are “ghost” followers. You seem to have the perfect blogger mindset! Hope you have a wonderful Friday!


    • I like the phrase “ghost” followers…I’ve never though of it like that before but it makes total sense. Like Farley’s term “robo-blogger”…I love that one!

  2. Great post friend! You have so many wonderful ideas… are inspiration. I know we all get caught up in the numbers game of blogging and TpT, but you are right it’s not about the number! I think I might go have myself a glass of wine now too! 🙂

    Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten

  3. You are wise beyond your years, Elizabeth. I look forward to your posts and love the thoughtful content. When I met you I was very impressed with your social grace and kind ways and have decided you are an old soul. Keep the wonderful posts coming!

    • You are just one of my all time favorite people! I love all of the thoughtful comments you make and I know my bucket will be filled anytime you stop by. I so hope we get to see each other again next year in Vegas! Hopefully, we can grab dinner…hope your school year is going great so far!

  4. Well said, my friend! Thanks for sharing the links, as well as reminding me of some good things 😉

    It’s almost Friday – hang in there!!

    Lucky to Be in First

  5. This is a great point to make!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I agree totally! I know I have some really faithful followers and their comments and advice mean a lot to me! 🙂 I have made some great connections in the teaching world through blogging.


  7. Kindergarten teacher blend sounds amazing… I’ll have to have a look and see if there’s a Prep teacher blend equivalent. 🙂

    So tricky to balance blogging what you love and the ‘selling’ side of things, so I think I’ve just decided to plod along and be happy with my little space in the cyber world.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!

  8. Thank you for sharing my “5 Blogging Etiquette Tips for Newbies” post!
    Glad it helped 🙂


  9. I LOVE this! Thanks for sharing and I am so happy you made it through those first four days! Aaahh!! I start Wednesday!


  10. Thanks for posting this, Elizabeth. I have found myself lately feeling discouraged that other teachers seem to be gaining followers so much faster than I am. I have to remind myself that I don’t do this to have the most followers. When I started, I didn’t know if I would ever get 10 followers! I love teaching, and I love collaborating with others. I appreciate the great reminder!

    ABCs and Polkadots

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