I am a hot mess.
Seriously, a blubbering fool.
It’s not even a pretty cry. It’s the kind of cry where mascara is running down your face and your face turns all red and the hiccups take over for words.
I can’t even tell my husband something sweet that happened at school for fear that I might burst in to tears. It happens every year, but this year it’s just a tad worse. I have always had wonderful kids and a wonderful group of parents but this little class and Ms. Dana (my aide but really teacher #2 and I refer to her as “My Dana”) have become my family. If I even think about them walking down the hall next year to first grade I tear up. I am going to have a headache until next Tuesday to hold back the tears. My principal was in tears during their “moving on up” presentations…so it’s not just me!
I know a lot of people read Oh the Places You’ll Go at the end of the year. It is always one that I enjoy reading too. I found this book, The North Star, my first year teaching and I read it every year. I cried reading it this year. It’s worse because Ms. Dana is a blubbering mess too so it’s just a snowball effect!

Back to the book…here is a picture of one of the pages.
I love Peter Reynolds and I have read a couple of his books this year, but this one is by far the best. It’s all about a little boy that finds his own journey and learns that other people have a different journey. It is the sweetest and I would recommend it to any teacher at any grade level! You can get it by clicking my affiliate link!
When we were done reading the book, we talked about what it meant to have your own journey and we talked about their journey as first graders. They did a list of the things they are looking forward to in first grade. I also made a second page for you first grade teachers! I know that there are some first grade friends that stop by from time to time so I hope that you can use it!
Just click on either picture to get it for free 🙂
I am sure my kids think I have lost it and they are terrified that I am going to burst in to a ridiculous snotty cry at any thing they do or say…I need to pull it together.
I hope that you all are having a great end of the year with your kiddos. Don’t let the stress of the end of the year ruin the last couple of days you have with your kids!
Love to you all!
I’m going to have to buy that book! I get all smushy at this time of year too. I’m getting random hugs all of a sudden and I think they understand that it’s time for them to move on. I read a book called “I’ll Find You.” It’s about always being able to find each other, no mater what, no matter where they may be. I want them to know that I will be watching from afar, that I’ll be one of their biggest fans, I believe in them. I’m starting to cry already.
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Hahahaha! I’m laughing after rereading my original comment above and realize that it sounds like I’m stalking my students! The book, “I’ll Find You,” is very sweet and, a better way to put it, is that it’s about staying in touch.
Lol! No it doesn’t…it sounds very sweet 🙂 I’m getting on amazon to buy it! Thanks for the recommendation!