Quick post tonight because I am headed out to some (ahem) “vegetarian” with the Kindergarten and first grade teachers. It’s long overdue!
Here are the winners of the Gingerbread unit! Check your e-mails. They have already been delivered!
If you didn’t win, no worries! I have a little freebie for you so you are all winners 🙂 We did (and by we I mean I had a parent come do the handprints) these turkeys yesterday.
Then, we made our thankful turkeys. I know there are easier templates out there for you to follow, but I like these for following directions. Sometimes, you have to pick your battles and you just pick out the turkey that they can just fill in and you are done with it. There is always a year for that…
Both activities can be found in this unit and it’s a freebie. I am thankful for all of you!
What turkey projects do you have cookin’ in your room this week?
Hooray! I’m so excited to get your unit! Thanks for the opportunity! My kinders will benefit from your kindness!
~ Amy
Oh my!!! I never win, ever!!! I am going to use this right after Thanksgiving break! I have all of the books! Thank you soooo much!