Happy (almost 4th) and freebie! Bloglovin’ thoughts…

When it’s almost the 4th of July, I get a little nervous because the back to school season is approaching. Target is about to turn in to one big backpack. The back to school section in Target is a beast.
 I mean really..didn’t we just have our last day of school? 
I saw that a couple other people were having a sale today and tomorrow in honor of 4th of July so I thought I would jump on the bandwagon as well. I can’t force time to go back so happy sale. 

In thinking of back to school, I went ahead and put together this little freebie for all my K teachers out there. I am going to start working on more back to school items once I return from the lake 🙂

I will be blog-less for the next 48 hours. Try not to go in to withdraw. I will also try not to live my life in hash tags and 120 words or less since I will also not be using Twitter or Facebook. 
 So here’s your freebie for just reading my blog and being a teacher…hopefully a Kindergarten teacher so you can use this book 🙂 You can get it at TpT, but you can also just click on the picture and it will take you to google docs if you don’t want to go to all the trouble of going to TpT. Decisions…
And last but not least, I am giving away my new unit that I just finished up this week. 
Click on the picture to enter if you would like a chance to win it. 
Last thing before I go…
What the world with Google Reader (I had a student that always said “What the world” and I loved it so it’s part of my vocab. now)?
My Google Reader and Feed is working just fine and I’m able to follow blogs like I did before. 
I read on a non-teacher blog that bloglovin’ started this rumor to get everyone to use them but that it wasn’t true about Google Reader. 
I e-mailed bloglovin’ to ask them about it and I haven’t heard back.
Sounds fishy…
What do you all think?
 Is your blog still chugging along like usual? 
Did we all have a minor panic attack for no reason!?


  1. I wondered about Google Reader too. Now, I never used Google Reader so I knew I wasn’t going to be effected…but I was still confused…so I did the Bloglovin’ thing…but my Blogger seems to be just fine…If anything I’ve GAINED followers.
    Still confused … and I don’t really LOVE Bloglovin’.

    The Tutu Teacher

  2. I wondered too! Mine is working fine and I have followed a new blog through it and had a new follower on my Google Reader. 🙁

  3. Thanks for the freebie! I’ve been looking for activities for the first week of school. It’s such a weird time of year when everyone is still learning the routine and we as the teachers are learning what are kids can and can’t yet do. This activity will be fun to do!

    Amanda @
    Teacher at the Wheel

  4. The only thing I’ve noticed is when you log into Google and go under the more button at the top, that Reader isn’t there anymore. But that’s the only thing I’ve noticed.

    Love the freebie! Have fun at the lake!

    Mrs. Thigpen’s Kindergarten

    • I’m glad you all are enlightening me on all of this! I was totally confused when I got on my
      blog Monday thinking everything would be totally different. I’m glad it’s not but I couldn’t figure out all the fuss 🙂

  5. When I go to the google reader page it says it has been discontinued. It took me a while when all the rumors started to realize that I don’t use google reader anyway–I just use my blogger dashboard.

    K-3 Connection

  6. Thanks so much for the freebie! It will be great for that first week!

  7. Google Friend Connect is still working. It is the Reader part that is gone. I tried to log into my reader and it is really truly gone 🙁 I’m not 100% in love with Bloglovin’ either. Enjoy your vacation!
    Polka Dot Kinders

    • Then hopefully GFC won’t go away anytime soon! I’m so glad I have smart blog friends that can explain the ways of the world for me 🙂 you’re the best! Happy 4th!

  8. Yea I have no clue why I panicked. I never used Google Reader a day in my life! I always follow my blogs through Blogger which is working just peachy! And GFC is still there which is the main part I was worried about! Bloglovin I’m not so sure I’m lovin you anymore…

    The Polished Teacher

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