I feel like I have met a new group of family members! I know there are so many other people that couldn’t make it and I wish that I were able to meet every blogger that I heart!

I tried to condense the pictures so that this wouldn’t be the longest post evs.
It’s not even all of it!
I don’t even know where to start! I have to tell you about the conference before I even tell you about Beyonce! #whitegirlproblems
I’ll post about that when I get home because you won’t believe who I got to meet!
But it would be an insane post if I tried to cram it all in to one.
If you already follow me on instagram or anyone else, then you have probably seen this pictures 100 times over.
Are you kidding me with these amazing presenters? O.M.G.!
Debbie Clement (all the colors :)- she will make your world a happy place. She is just a hug. Love this lady.
Lori Elliot knows more about technology than any person I have ever met. If you do not follow her blog, then I am demanding suggesting that you follow her! She is amazeballs. She just offers knowledge for free.
And then you may know that person in the corner…I mean I don’t know. It’s pretty obscure for all of you blog stalkers. I think her name is Deanna something….she’s awesome!
Kim Adsit is absolutely hysterical and I could talk to her non-stop. We have plans to chat later in the month and I am so looking forward to it. She’s a rockstar and I want to grow up and be just like her!
I know you know Tad Hills. Think Rocket.
And that is sweet Holly from Mrs. Ehle’s Kindergarten Connections in the picture with us. Holly and I have spent a lot of time together and she is just the sweetest and most genuine person. You would love her and her blog!
Maybe for this picture we can just play..name that blogger?
Ready. Go.
I wish we had more time to mingle and talk to people! I had a few people come up to me to chat and I just didn’t feel like I got ample time to talk shop 🙂
I guess I’ll just have to come back next year….
These ladies are amazing and I am beyond thankful that I met them!
We had such a great time together and I feel like I have made lifelong friends.
Do you know these girls?
Well if you don’t, then you should!
Holly, Sarah, Tanya, Alessia and myself.
I can’t wait to share the rest of the trip with you once I make it back to Nashvegas! I still have more pictures to be taken today…
The giveaway ended. Heather Di Piero Irwin…check your e-mail! Woot woot!
I just want to say another big big thank you to ePals for sending me to this conference! I have been beyond amazed at how much they support teaching and education all over the world. If you didn’t run in to me at the conference to chat about it, check out this post to read more! If you are a seller, consider putting your products on their site!
Girl!!! It looks like you have had an absolute blast!! Jealous!!! So glad you had fun! 🙂
Mrs. Thigpen’s Kindergarten
It exceeded my expectations! You gotta come next year!
So happy to hear about your trip and see the pictures!!! Jealous, too- but loved seeing everyone so happy!!! 🙂 Thank you!
Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together
It was fabulous and would love to see you there next year 🙂
It looks like you had so much fun!!! Love looking at your pictures!
I’ve got another post coming soon with more pics 🙂
I miss you already! This was SUCH a great week! I feel sooo blessed to have gotten to know you! Lookin’ forward to many, many more fun adventures together!!!
**Hugs** Holly
I am missing you too! I am keeping my fingers crossed ill get to see you in Chicago 🙂
Vegas looked AMAZING!!
Kimberly Ann
Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten
It so was! We gotta get our little bloggy group together for next year!
This looks so amazing. I truly wish I could have attended, but I have already warned my hubby that I am figuring out a way to get there next year. 🙂 Now, I am going to go check out some of the blogs you mentioned.
Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten
They will be so happy if you do! They are such sweet people. You would have really enjoyed meeting them…sad you missed it but keeping my fingers crossed for next year!