I didn’t get everything in to one post so here is round two. Are you so sick of everyone talking about Vegas that you just have. to. come. next year?
That’s what I thought.
So my favorite crabs (she thought craps was crabs so I am continuing our joke) bud is hosting a Vegas linky party! Woot Woot! I am still on a high from the week. So much so that I went to school yesterday. Seriously…what am I thinking.
This was one of my favorite pics from the trip.
Me, Rachelle (What the Teacher Wants) and Hope (Second Grade Shenanigans)
I am so way super happy in this picture because I got super lucky at the crabs table (joke is still funny to me) and so my cheeks are burning at the excessive amount of smiling.
Love these two!

We spent some time at the pool…it’s Vegas. You gotta go to the pools even at a Kindergarten conference!
I told you about all of my new friends right?
Check the first post…all those beauteous faces are there too.

These are some great friends that I made.
Fran from Kindergarten Crayons might be my second mother (glasses and orange scarf). She is a no nonsense kind-a girl. And I love her!
On the top-left is Sandy from Kinder-Gardening. She recognized me in the hallway between sessions and stopped to say hello. She is an absolute doll!
Bottom left is Sarah. She is in the process of creating a new K blog right now and you better believe I will be letting you know as soon as it goes live!
Deedee is as sweet as they come. She had fantastic presentations and I enjoyed every minute of it. She is a wealth of knowledge and an incredible teacher. It was so inspiring to be around such creative and amazing teachers. Teachers are great people but there is something to be said about a room full of energetic Kindergarten teachers.
My most two favorite things about the trip #1 were meeting so many wonderful people and spending time with them outside of the conference rooms. We all learned so much from each other just by having conversations by the pool or over lunch.
#2 Ron Clark

At first I thought he was on something. I have never actually seen a white guy move like that. Ever.
But he actually just has that much energy. I would like to bottle some of it up and save it for August Kindergarten time…when I fall asleep at 4 p.m.
He talked about how teachers need to cut the drama and use their energy to lift each other up and support one another. So many times, we look at other people going above and beyond as a threat because we are jealous. When really, those teachers are the teachers that are making the biggest impact in the lives of their students.
So basically…cut the crap and just be nice!
I loved it.
There are way more pictures that Rachelle and Natalie (pro photographer) have put up on their blog and their FB page. There is a Vegas linky party happening and then maybe after that you won’t have to hear about the fun we had and you can start planning to come next year!
I met so many great people but there are so many more of you that I would love to meet and play crabs with (still funny…when will this get old?)
Kindergarten is no joke! When I first experienced full time K for a week, I fell asleep on the couch by 6pm, 7pm during Wheel of Fortune if I was lucky haha!
Loving these recaps! Thanks so much for sharing! You are really making it hard to argue against going next year!
The Polished Teacher
You gotta come next year so I can meet the other half of my favorite bloggers 🙂
Let’s talk about how everyone wins at the crabs table!!!!!!
Oh my gosh! You are just too sweet and I’m so glad we are IN REAL LIFE friends now!!!!!!!!! Can’t wait to see you next time!!!!!!
Listen…next year we are crabin’ it the entire time. We could make a quick appearance at the conference :-p Glad we were able to hang out and can’t wait to do it again next year! xo
I am so sad I missed it… Next year for sure!
YES! You are totally making me want to go next year. Love all of the pics!
What Happens in First Grade
You gotta come!
NEVER sick of hearing Vegas stories! LOVE them! Thank you for showing the pictures. I would have LOVED Ron Clark’s talk- or loved everybody in school to have heard it. I can’t stand drama or jealousy. I think that is why I love blogging so much. Everyone is just happy for each other and loves to share. I love that!
Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together
I totally agree with you! The teacher/blogger community is full of such great people. I was a witness to that this week 🙂
Okay Elizabeth I am SUPER jealous of all the fun pics and good times you had in Vegas. Can you tell EPals to send us both next year. LOL! We can even share a room to save them 🙂 I am TOTALLY going next year. My mind is set & I already told the hubs. I am so glad you had a fabulous time and thanks for sharing your pics with us.
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