Don’t you know that Kindergartners think it’s hilarious to Post-it note their teacher?
Especially when the teacher tells them to…
{The picture quality is so superb because of the 5 year old photographer that snapped this keeper.}
I like to introduce labeling at the beginning of the writing process because Lucy Calkins does. I think her units of study are the most powerful and the most in depth. Writers start writing when they can get something on paper. Labeling is the way to get started (or at least that’s what I think) and kids can feel confident quickly when they know that labeling is actually writing.
Last year, I used the Richard Scarry “Busy, Busy Town” to show how an author used labels. I could not, for the life of me, find it this year so I wasn’t able to read it.
I (and by I, I mean my student teacher) did make this poster last year that I found on Pinterest.
I am going to bring it out tomorrow to show them. I have them write the labels and stick it on the cat. I don’t have the labels already on there. I let them choose what they want to label on the cat.

Before we labeled the teacher, we brainstormed some ideas that we could label on Mrs. Hall. Then, I helped them sound out some of the words they were wanting to write on their Post-it. We aren’t quite to the “sound it out” stage yet so we did it together.
I sent them back to their seats and they wrote one body part that they wanted to stick on me. Then, I let them have at it. They were cracking up. Sometimes, you just have to leave your pride at the door as a Kindergarten teacher and allow 19 five and six year olds to laugh at your expense. You know they are learning it if they have a good feeling (like laughing) tied to the learning experience.
After they had a good laugh, they were given this page to go and label of themselves. All of the words were still up for them to refer to. You can click on him to get the pdf.
There are so many teachers out there that say Kindergartners can’t write!
Not true.
They can write if you ask them to.
Don’t be afraid to raise the bar one level higher.
Make it fun and engaging.
Yes, get on stage for them.
After they labeled me and themselves, I have them label their lunch tray, their family, their friends…anything that is meaningful to them.
Happy Writing!
I love doing this activity…having the students label me! This year my student teacher is going to be doing the activity, but that means I will get to take lots of pictures!! 🙂
Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten
My student teacher was the target last year too . That’s why me picture this year is so fabulous ha!
How fun! I bet your students think you are the coolest teacher ever!
Kids Math Teacher
As thanks Lucy! You’re too sweet!
I did this yesterday with my kiddos! 🙂
Kimberly Ann
Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten
Did they love it as much as my kids did?
Love this- I did it last year and the kids went crazy for it! Happy September!
I know it’s such a fun idea. I was thinking of
a way to make the post-its stick better though. They fall everywhere!
Thanks for this terrific idea. I’ve missed the boat to use this at the beginning of the year when we focus on labelling, but will definitely pin this to use in January!
Lauren 🙂
Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!
Always need to stock up on ideas in advance ;0)
This is so cute 🙂
Primary Buzz
Thanks! The kids love it every year.