Melissa at First Grade Smiles is doing this awesome linky party! I LOVE it! It really got me thinking and would love for you to link up so I can read your thoughts as well.
Here are the questions and my answers:
The last question is one I came up with. I am really working on doing a better job with my Facebook and Pinterest pages. However, I just want to gauge what you all think about it.
And…uhmmmm…200 followers!?!? Didn’t I just do my 100 follower giveaway? I am beyond thrilled that so many people have stumbled across my blog and decided to stick around. It means so much to me. I think Amanda and I have a little something in the works for you all because she also just hit 200 followers! Woohoo!
We have been studying oviparous animals this week. Some fabulous books that we have read to go along with our study has been:

Then Khrys from Keepin’ it Kool in Kinderland had an a.w.e.s.o.m.e. freebie that went right along with it! Check out her blog post to see how she incorporated it in her classroom and you can grab it for free at her TpT store. She also has a fabulous giveaway going on at the moment so make sure to join in on the fun while you’re there!
Here are my kiddos using her product this week..thanks Khrys (like I said, I love freebies and when you show us how to use it:)
I cut and laminated the pictures and put the pictures on magnets.
Then I let the kids come up and sort the animals by drawing their name out of “The Magic Bucket” (The Magic Bucket is where I write names on popsicle sticks and draw them out when we do activities like this) by oviparous or not oviparous and then we checked our answers.
Then, the kids did the sort on this page that I got from this fabulous freebie!
I hope you will grab it and leave a comment answering the question about Facebook and Pinterest!
Link up to talk about blogs baby 🙂
I don’t know if you are familiar with the book: An Egg Is Quiet
Dianna Hutts Aston (Author), Sylvia Long (Illustrator)….the illustrations are beautiful one of my favorite books to look at with my K4 kiddos in the spring.
As for your questions I don’t follow pinterest of blogs I follow per se although from time to time I do check on a few from time to time, especially if I am looking for some specific theme or activity information. I am not into facebook at all so don’t follow that.
I have not heard of that book and I so appreciate the recommendation! Thanks for your comment 🙂
Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks so much for linking up! I loved reading your responses. As for your question – I like to follow Facebook accounts of the bloggers I follow just so I don’t miss anything. I haven’t chosen to follow too many people on Pinterest though because I am already overwhelmed with my account with the collaborative boards I am on. I really like being able to post to them, but some people just go WAY overboard with their posts and most of the time I don’t even like weeding through it all to get to the good stuff. I am hoping Pinterest will find a way (or maybe there is a way) to select boards that you want to show up in your feed and others that you can just check when you want to. Once I get to that point, I will most likely start following more people.
I was thrilled to find you through this and start following. If you are looking for contributions for your giveaway, I would love to donate 🙂
First Grade Smiles
Thanks so much for hosting such a great linky and stopping by and leaving such a thoughtful comment! I totally agree with you…that’s what I asked the question. I’m feeling a little overwhelmed with all of the social media that is out there to promote and then I’m getting the same information from multiple locations. I am just not sure how much I want to do on social media. Glad we found each other!
I’ll keep you in mind for giveaways as well 🙂
I do follow pinterest and facebook of some bloggers especially if they offer freebies over there.
Crystal Shepherd
The lamppost in 1st grade math
That’s good to know! Thanks for commenting!
I do not and will not enter Facebook. I do enjoy Pinterest, but I spend the majority of my computer time on fantastic teachers’ blogs.
First Grade Carousel
I finally saw this linky, so I’m a little late to commenting, but better late than never. Personally, I don’t follow anything on Facebook because I like my privacy and try not to connect my full name with school or blogging things. I do follow some on Pinterest since I use it for school, but due to my privacy concerns, my Pinterest name isn’t my real name (it’s Maggie Imaginary). I also don’t like blogs that just sell things because as a first year teacher who will be teaching abroad, I don’t have the money to buy them!
Learning and Teaching for Life