Linky Me Crazy

I figured I could do the whole two birds one stone deal. I love me some linky parties but I can barely keep my head screwed on straight these days. Why not just squeeze them in to one post?

It’s a deal.

What is it with the end of school?

The holidays can’t even touch the craziness that is the end of the school year.

First, I’m linking up with Farley for her May Currently {which I can’t  believe it’s already May!?}. I wrote this one out last night. All of them still hold true except for Mad Men. I wish I was still curled up on the couch with Don Draper! {well not actually curled up with him…you know what I mean…}


It’s that time of the year where I start watching reruns. All of my favorite shows have ended for the summer so I just become a Netflix junkie.

I try to get ahead of things, but it just doesn’t happen. There is always something hiding in the corner ready to jump out and surprise me when I am least expecting it.

I am so ready for summer and to get to Vegas!!!!! I am beyond excited. It’s two months away!!!! Yipppeeeeeee!!!!!!

Come back next Friday for your surprise. It has to do with C. Jayne Teach. I can’t reveal anymore than that…my lips are sealed {eeeek…such cutie patootie stuff!!!!}

And the linky continues…


1. This is how we’ve been celebrating this week when someone reads 100 Books. It’s a challenge that I give my kiddos at the end of the year each year to read 100 Books. It’s kind of a really big deal if they do it. They get a reading medal, sign their name on the wall, and then {the biggest deal} is always dancing on the tables. They LOVE it. It is a huge motivator and I haven’t had one student not read 100 Books when I give them the challenge 🙂



2. We have been studying about Eric Carle this week. I loved the way their “Very Hungry Kindergarteners” turned out. They look so stinkin’ cute hanging outside in the hall.


3. I finally got a picture of this…

My kids scream “Party Foul!” whenever a tool box goes a-flyin’. Which happens at least once in a day. It can just be right in the middle of me giving directions and someone yells it and half of the class dives to the floor to clean it up. I would say that it bothers me, but they clean it up with such quickness that it ends up being a quick comical interruption.


4. Got to visit with Hunter this week at recess. He came to visit the kiddos and it was so good to see him back at school. I’ve missed him and Emily so much. <3


5. How do you get five and six year olds to bounce off the walls in less than five minutes? You give them chocolate frosting and candy to make candy insects. It was like jekyll and hyde. They turned out super cute, but we went outside immediatly following the cleanup. They went bananas! Next year, I’ll be using sugar free frosting…even if it’s not a real thing.


Now go on and linky yourself crazy!

Why not…it’s Friday 🙂


  1. I love how you combined the two linky’s -brilliant!! I loved reading your post. I feel ya, I’m so excited for VEGAS- it’ll be here before we know it 🙂 Eeeee!! And I really love the motivator for letting students dance on their tables if they read 100 books. I had a 3rd grade teacher who would dance on her desk at least once a year if something amazing happened {not exactly sure what qualified as “amazing”} but it definitely stuck with us!! Adorbs 🙂

    Happy Friday- have a wonderful week!!

    XO, Kelly Anne

  2. Sarah Rose says:

    Elizabeth– my buddy, my pal! I can’t wait to combine forces with you one day!!! 🙂 I am definitely going to have to do dancing on the tables as an award… you are BRILLIANT!!! love you mean it!!!

  3. Haha, I want to be in your Kindergarten class!! Did you teach them to yell, “Party Foul” or did that come from somewhere else because it’s seriously adorable. And I really want to dance on a table now. My tables probably are only meant to hold one of my big kiddos to dance at a time, and they’re “too cool” to do anything like that alone. Maybe I could dance on a table if they do something well! Or would that be too weird?

    Don’t Let the Teacher Stay Up Late
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  4. I love your candy insects!!
    Mrs. Spriggs’ Kindergarten Pond