Vegas Sessions

Well hey again! If you are reading this post, then there is a good chance that you were in one or more of my sessions today and I am so glad that I got to spend time with you! I am going to run through some of the highlights from the sessions, include a freebie […]

Currently July 2015

It’s JULY! Holy yuck…because that means it’s hot and almost time to start back to school. However, we do have to get Vegas done before we have to worry about that mess. I am sitting here doing everything other than what I should be doing…which is practicing my presentations for next Wednesday. Which is a […]

Camp GoNoodle Linky

I love this idea of Camp GoNoodle and one of my all time favorite people is hosting a linky all about it! Holly has tons of great information for teachers and parents (especially parents) about Camp GoNoodle. I don’t have any little ones of my own (about 20 more weeks and I will :), but […]

Get Ready for the 2015 Vegas Meet Up!

It’s almost that time again! The time that thousands of teachers and bloggers head to Vegas for the annual SDE and Teachers Pay Teachers Conferences. To say we were excited would be an understatement!  This year will be our 4th annual Vegas Teacher-Blogger Meet Up. What started as a fun little way to get to […]

Parent Helper Freebie

If you are anything like me (plus the other hundreds of thousands of teachers) at the beginning of the year, then you are swamped. You are eating fast food, sleeping negative hours at night, and running around like a mad woman until the beginning of the year dust settles. The amount of laminating that takes […]

August BUILD Pin it to Win it!

I am slowly but surely finishing up my growing bundle for the year.  A lot of you have asked about making a bundle. So far, I have a Winter and Spring Bundle. For the rest of this weekend, the August BUILD unit will be at bundle price. Once I finish November, I will bundle the […]

Criss Cross Poster Freebie

Good Morning! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I went to register for all sorts of baby goodies with my Mom and we had a cook-out with friends last night. I was the perfect weekend but now I’m back to working on my presentations and teaching swim lessons for the week. You know those ideas […]

June Currently

Woohoo! Welcome to June…even those it’s freezing, rainy and cloudy. Sheesh…I am about to bring my own personal heater to swim lessons. Those poor babies in the pool shivering and teeth chattering. It’s just the most pitiful thing ever. On to sunnier days, hopefully 🙂 Eeekkkkkk! Big news this month is that we found out […]