Christmas Conversation Linky Party

Happy no school week to YOU! I hope that you are enjoying your mornings just as much as I am. Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoy the entire day but mornings are the best. The instant you wake up and realize you don’t actually have to get up if you don’t want to. Pure […]

December BUILD Math Stations

What am I even doing trying to pretend like I have any good ideas the week before Christmas break. HA! Really, though.  Even though I feel like I pretty much already do B.U.I.L.D. in some sense. What am I talking about? Build is a concept that follows along the same lines as Daily 5, but for […]

Wednesday Word Problem

Wednesday Word Problem is a constant in my classroom. This is not my original idea…it came from the first school I worked at but I have stuck to it because the benefits of it have really helped my kids with problem solving. It always leads to great discussion and implementation of math strategies. I ask […]

Kindergarten Hanukkah Happenings

We are knee deep in to holidays around the world. I always start each year with Hanukkah. Here are few of the activities that we’ve done the past two days. I don’t have a picture of everything because I can’t always remember to pull out my camera 🙂 I love this book and my kids […]

Peek at My Week {Holidays Around the World}

I am late getting this posted! This is a week that is dedicated to learning and talking about different holidays around the world. My K team does an “around the world” day where each classroom represents a different county. I know there are a lot of other classrooms out there that do the same thing […]

Gingerbread Week

We had a busy busy week with Gingerbread stories. One of my favorite activities to do during our literacy time is to compare the characters and the settings in the story. I keep these charts with me all week and each day we compared the different versions. That is what is so great about these […]

Five for Friday

One week down and two to go. I hardly count the week before break as an actual week because we are all scraping the kids off the ceiling, so I’m just going to think of it as one week left. That sounds much better 🙂 1. My number one of all time is going to […]

Show Us What You Bought Linky

My spending habit is what my husband might refer to as a “problem”. I just look at it as me doing my part in our economy. It’s just as simple as that. Doing my part. I could probably single handily pull our country out of the deficient we are in with a couple swipes of […]