Peek at My Week {Farm}

It’s really take all of the self control that I have not to just start on apples, pumpkins, Halloween…all things FALL….this week. I am having to restrain myself. I have a new stack of books from Scholastic that are burning a hole in my shelf in the cubby room. But farm is good. I can […]

My First Five for Friday

It’s my first Five for Friday post! I haven’t done one yet this year and I’m finally joining the party! It’s been the week of Wishy-Washy. The kids love this story every year. I can’t lie that I think I might love it just as much as they do. We read the original book but […]

Keyboarding for Kindergarten {Giveaway}

We are on struggle street at the moment with typing. I know there are many of you that are feeling the same way as me. I had someone even mention in a comment that they had a kid trying to tap the screen. While I love iPads as much as the next tech lover…I don’t […]

Wishy-Washy Peek at My Week

Mrs. Wishy-Washy is sort of my favorite shared reading that we do all year. There are so many fabulous literacy activities that you can correlate with this book and there are a lot of other books out there with her in it. We also like Mr. Wishy-Washy. Before I show you my plans and different […]

Environmental Print

This week has been filled with environmental print. The reason we talk so much about environmental print, is to bring awareness to kids that they are already readers. They are readers if they know how to pick out their favorite snack from the pantry, their favorite movie, open the favorite app, read street signs…but they […]

All You Want to Know about Kindergarten Oral Presentations

People look at me like I’m crazy when I tell them that I have my students present throughout the year. Yes, public speaking in Kindergarten. Mind blown. They can actually do it…and they are amazing. Here are reasons that I do oral presentations in my room: 1. Most adults can’t do it well and are […]

Peek at my Week {Freebies}

How is it time for another week already!? Where does the time go? This week, we are starting our first shared reading, the kiddos have their FIRST oral presentation, environmental print, continuing on with name of the day and start digging our heels in to reader’s work-shop. I am even more excited because my student […]

Favorite Book Parade {Freebie}

One of my favorite things to do during Reader’s Workshop is to allow the kiddos to bring their favorite books from home. The connection with reading from home and school is VITAL when it comes to building a strong reading foundation. Before I let them have their “book parade”, I read them one of my […]