It’s All in The Family {Giveaway & New Unit}

Family is one of the bigger topics that we cover at the beginning of the year. We start talking about “Me” and then try to move the attention away from “Me” to family because it is a topic that students feel like they know. The first oral presentation I have my students give is about […]

Erin Condren Teacher Planner

Have I told you lately how much I love my new Erin Condren Teacher Planner? The box on the front porch when I got home from school last week felt a little bit like Christmas. It comes in the fanciest shipping box I have ever seen. I almost didn’t even want to open the box […]

September Currently

I LOVE 3 day weekends!!!! Let’s be honest…I just woke up. The only thing that poked this slumbering bear was the sound of bacon sizzling in the kitchen. I just got my Erin Condren Teacher Planner last week and I have been LOVING it. I have a slight organizational obsession so this helps me even […]

Harry Kindergarten Giveaway!

Because what Kindergarten teacher out there doesn’t love Harry Kindergarten!? It doesn’t seem like many because his music channel  (The Harry Kindergarten Music YouTube channel) has almost 70 million views since it was launched by this musically talented Kindergarten teacher. Yep, you heard me right. He’s an actual real live Kindergarten teacher with little people just […]

Name of the Day {Freebie}

 I’ve had a lot of questions about name of the day and what I do for that part of the morning. I can tell you…this is not my idea and it’s not that difficult to do. I have taken a lot of different ideas from my team-mates from the past couple of years and just […]

Peek at My Week

I made it out alive from my first full week of Kindergarten! I feel like that is something that we should all be celebrating. I did sleep for 11 hours on both Friday and Saturday night. Which means that I am even more ready for this week! Mrs. Hall is very thankful for coffee and […]

Mad Math Spins {Giveaway}

I took my friend Kim Adsit’s advice when I made this set of math games. Her advice is to teach one game so you aren’t having to teach a new game EACH time you are working on a new skill or a new set of centers. I made these Math Spin games because I figured […]

Teacher Week: All About Me

I LOVE teacher week! I know this is a crazy time of the year but this is my favorite post to read 🙂 I love learning about all of the other great teachers out there. Sometimes, it’s hard to remember that we have a life outside of the classroom at this time of the year […]