Nashville Blogger Meet Up!

Holy food is all I can say. I am so glad that I wore my elastic pants today because I have a case of the meat sweats from all of the food that was consumed at Monell’s this morning. I tried to warn everyone that they should just go ahead and unbutton their top button […]

Last Up-date…It’s Not Too Late!

It’s the day before our big meet-up! Greg and I got together yesterday to put the finishing touches on all of the final details. We are so so excited about all of you that are coming. All of the giveaway items have been bundled up and packed in the car ready for the big day […]

Best Teacher Gift Linky

My sweet friend, Katie, over at Little Warriors is hosting the best linky party. It fits perfectly for this time of the year! I don’t think many of us are going to be snapping classroom ideas this week :0) When I say that I am blessed…I mean it. I have the most thoughtful parents and […]

Five for Friday…Hallelujah!

I feel like I crawled on my hands and knees to Friday this week. Holy Christmas Must. Make. It. Between Holidays Around the World, parentgifts, sickness, trips, parties, student gifts, holiday program, and just the general time of year…I might sleep for the entire two weeks of break. 1. Here are the parent gifts I […]

Nashville Blogger Meet-Up Updates

It is officially almost time for our meet-up! It is a week from this Saturday. I can’t believe the amount of sponsors we are going to have for our giveaway! Look at this list of companies that are going to be supplying us with fabulous prizes! The list has grown and I predict that this […]

Peek At The Craziness

  Is this going to be the same in your classroom this week? I am a little nervous to even put my plans up for the week because they are going to be cray cray. I mean, really, who are we kidding by having plans this week? There are going to be assemblies, parties, rotations […]

Remembering Sandy Hook

“As educators, we remember and honor our fallen colleagues and their students from Sandy Hook School.  We honor them each day in our classrooms in which we continue their dream of teaching our children.  We honor their memory with our service.  Join with teachers everywhere in committing random acts of kindness to show our love […]

Five for Friday

It’s been a week to say the least. I am still shocked that what happened is still a reality. Hunter is leaving Huntsville today to head to Shepard Center in Atlanta. If you don’t know what I’m taking about, you can read my post about Hunter here. I have been beyond amazed at the community of […]