Peek at My {Crazy} Week

Why does it all happen at once!? Picture day, parent teacher conferences, evaluations (going to hold off on that one), data meetings, report cards…and everything else in between.


Ok, I’m good. I just look at my plans and all of the little blue boxes which are my visual cues for myself that something is going to be happening that day. There are a lot of blue boxes this week 🙂

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Just as an FYI, the Hexagon lesson I am referring to is on TpT as a free resource. It’s got a song and an assessment check. It’s perfect and goes with the hexagon song that is YouTube from Have From Teaching. I also have a new look for all of my Wednesday Word Problems…thank goodness. They were looking a little rough.

This week is Fall, shapes, tools we use, and we are starting reading groups and DSA. The kids are going to have their first sort tomorrow and we are going to do a normal week of it and take the test on Friday. It’s always interesting the first week!

So, if the peek at my week is a little overwhelming…sorry about that. It’s a bit overwhelming for me too!

The final episode of Breaking Bad is taking my mind off it a little though. I can’t believe it’s over after tonight! I’ve been running errands all day in my “Pinkman is my Homeboy” t-shirt. Anyone else out there as excited as me? According to instagram, not a lot of my friends are as enthusiastic as I am..haha.

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Before I go…Rachel, Jill and Theresa won the Farm Unit from the giveaway. It should be in your inbox! Congrats!

Also, everything in my TpT store is on sale until tomorrow to celebrate the new web-site. Nothing on the web-site is on sale because it’s not 100% done so just head over to TpT for now until we get everything together over here!

Peek at my Week Linky Button