Peek at My First Week

I met my new group of kiddos last week. There are 24 of us {me, student teacher and 22 little people}. Wow, they are cute but woah…they are busy.

Bless their little hearts. We still have some separation anxiety, walking in a line is challenging, and staying seated for more than 57 seconds at any given time is painful.

I slept for 11 hours on Friday night and those were only half days. We start the full dosage tomorrow. I’ve got sleep penciled in next weekend. I am linking up with my sweet friend Deedee for her Peek at My Week linky. 

peek at my week final 2014

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A few people have asked me for my lesson plan format. Deedee did a fabulous video tutorial where she shows you how to set up a visual lesson plan. That way, you can create it so it follows your own schedule.

We are starting our color days tomorrow and name of the day. I am hoping that we are going to start getting in to the routine as we go through the week.

Here are the units that I’m using to get me through the week:




 I know that we all get so caught up at the beginning of the year with “back to school” stuff that doesn’t pertain at all to what we are actually doing with our kids during the school day. I was so tired on Friday that I just sat glassy-eyed staring at my blank lesson plans for the following week. Classroom set-up in itself is a full-time job by itself.

These three units will be on sale today and tomorrow if you are feeling like you are running out of steam right now 🙂 I totally get it. We did this number/letter differentiation activity for morning work last week {Found in the Kinder Ready Pack…there are 2 of them}. We are going to be doing more activities like this one this week as a quick assessment to see if 1. they can follow directions and 2. if they actually know the content.


Another unit that I am using is this Rainbow of Colors Unit. It’s by Beg Borrow and Steal. It was great to have last year and I started off their poetry notebooks with the poems that are in here. It got them in the routine of how to open and close their binders and organize their poems.



The number pages that we will be doing for math are also from the Kinder Ready pack and look like this {click on this one to get the free download..also includes a “p” and “purple” activity in the download…you’re welcome 🙂 }.


Then of course…books on books on books. Here are some of the stories that we are going to read this week.

This new Oliver Jeffers book might be my new favorite math book. It’s a math adventure book, but with a lot of humor intertwined through the pages. I am reading it tomorrow during math and we are going to brainstorm other words for “zero”. I can’t tell you how much I love this book…really.
You should buy it.


The books we use to talk about names and “all about me” are:





I know you see “Name of the Day” on there and you might be wondering what that is. Stay tuned…that’s a post that will go up later because I feel like I’ve already thrown enough at you this week!

I’ll leave you with this…

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Good luck Kindergarten soldiers! <3


  1. Love the plans! Can’t wait to check out your units! Especially the differentied color word practice!