Peek at My Presidential Week

I’m trying not to get ahead of myself but I’m just too excited NOT to!



8-12 INCHES!!?!? I live in Tennessee where I have never in my whole entire life seen more than a few inches (at best). We haven’t even had one teeny tiny little snow day this year. I think you’ve heard me refer to that once or twice before #brokenrecord

If we get 8-12 inches of snow we will be out until April…

Not really, but it would probably take us a few days to get over the shock.

Here are my plans…let’s hope I don’t have to use them. At least, not this week 🙂

peek at my week final 2014

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Books I’m reading this week:


This came in yesterday…totally forgot I had ordered it!


We are going to be making this American Symbols book. It’s a free down-load if you want to incorporate it in your plans this week!





Here are some of the units I’m using this week:




I’m having a little sale over at my store to celebrate Valentine’s Day and President’s Day 🙂



  1. Julie Davis says:

    I’m right down the road from you and fingers and toes are crossed for this massive snowstorm 🙂 But can it wait one extra day please!!! We already have tomorrow off. I need Tuesday off too!!!! LOL!

  2. You have so many great books about presidents. You make me want to go book shopping!

  3. I love all of your books! Do you read them all?! 🙂 I was wondering when you do the symbols book-do you do a page a day as you teach about that symbol or do you do it as a culminating activity after you have taught them all? I can’t decide when to do it and I’m running out of time to fit it all in.