Peek at My Week

Happy long weekend friends! Some of you had to make up today (sorry Deedee) because of snow so you aren’t still in your jammies like I am. I didn’t get my plans up yesterday because I was wrestling with boxes.

This isn’t even the worst of it….

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Goodwill and I have been best friends this weekend.

Holy stuff.

Everything is out of the attic and alllll over the house. When you buy a new shiny house, you forget that you have to move everything with it.

Yay for a day off but whew I’ll be glad to be back tomorrow and out of the land of boxes.  Peek at my Week Linky Button Slide1


Last week, I gave DRA tests and oh. my. gosh. if. my. kids. can’t. re-tell. They looked at me like “didn’t you just hear the story?”. They all jumped up crazy levels and can read just about anything I put in front of them, but it is time to slow down and go back ot re-telling with detail.

I am going to be reading one of my favorite Joy Cowley books “Hairy Bear” and practicing the re-telling piece of a fairly simple story. Then, we are going to be reading all of the Bear Snores on series with story elements and re-telling.



Then, we are going to compare the two characters using a double bubble at the end of the week.  Slide1

We will also be using my MLK mini-unit and talking about hibernation/migration in science. It’s going to be a busy week for just four days!Slide1

original-476554-1 Last but not least, there is a fabulous Facebook Freebie Hop happening as we speak. Today is the last day so make sure you get to hopping! 7538_574935965932991_1189873242_n