Peek at My Week {Apples and Fall}

Fall Break is so close I can almost taste it. Or that might just be the pumpkin candle and chili that are making me have sensory overload.

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I really get excited about everything Fall. I buy every pumpkin and apple picture book I can get my hands on. My October book collection is out of control…

I don’t want to EVER complain about Fall Break but dang I wish it didn’t fall on apple week!

Here are my plans for the short week.

peek at my week final 2014

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A lot of the activities that I am pulling from this week can be found in these two units:



Another K teacher found this activity for practicing b,d,p, and q on Pinterest and we are going to be working on these this week. I am going to be working on it in small groups for R.T.I, but I think it’s also good practice for everyone since it’s always mixing kiddos up. I think we might pull out the Scentos highlighters for these 🙂


We are going to take a break from Math work-shop this week to do some fun apple investigations but you guys….I have been LOVING these math units from Deedee and Deanna. I really haven’t loved any math programs that we have used in the past. I never felt like I did a stellar job at teaching math and I felt like it just didn’t flow well.

FINALLY…I am loving math. We get manipulatives out every day. There is tons of math talk going on and it scaffolds perfectly. I think I am going to stick with it forevs. It’s good stuff.

We have finished Unit 1 and are in the midst of Unit 2. This was one of my favorite activities that we have done so far.




I’m hoping to get to talk about needs and wants this week as well. I love reading the Pigeon books to introduce this concept.



If we get too caught up in apple world then it might have to be pushed to next week.

Have a great week!