So Deedee said that she wasn’t sure if Peek at My Week would be making an appearance this week. We were busy doing other important things…
Like being mature and taking pictures of guys with ponytails…
Oh well…I did it anyways. I was (ahem :-)) prepared…
As you can tell by all of the blue boxes, it wasn’t too hard to plan everything this week because it’s almost Fall Break! Which really is just an extended weekend which will completely throw off my kids for two weeks but whatevs. I’ll take it. A lot of the activities that I wrote in my plans haven’t actually been created yet but I’m in the process. I’ll share when it’s done…
I was planning on making it this weekend but social time got the best of me.
Thank goodness I got prepared because there has been absolutely no way I would have gotten anything done this weekend. It just so happened that I found out some of my favorite people were in town unbeknownst to me. I totally crashed their party and became their honky-tonk tour guide. They were all beyond sweet and fun. I didn’t know all of them but every single one of them greeted me with a hug and a smile. They are genuinely good hearted wonderful ladies.
We painted the town all kinds of colors…
And we thought this girl that photo bombed us was hysterical…
This morning I went and got some of them from the hotel and we ate at Monell’s in Germantown. Let me just say…it did not disappoint. There was fried chicken and corn puddin’ involved. If you come to Nashville and don’t go there then you are doing yourself a great disservice!
This has been my most favorite thing about blogging. I know we all get in it to make a little extra money but it has become so much more than that. I am meeting people that I would never meet if it wasn’t for blogging. I am learning and growing as a teacher from these women and I have been having some serious fun along the way.
Love them and all of the other girls that I have met in Vegas and Chicago. I am meeting Greg on Friday from Kindergarten Smorgasboard for lunch! I can’t wait to meet many more of you out there in the bloggy world <3
You all amaze me!
I seriously love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #wecantstop #wewontstop #sorrynotsorry
What a fabulous weekend! I am so glad you got to meet up with some of your faves! Hopefully we’ll get to meet one of these days, too!!! Hang in there until the break! 🙂
Lucky to Be in First
Looks like too much fun!! Somehow I live in Nash and I’ve never been to Monell’s… I guess I’ll have to make a trip!
K-3 Connection