Peek at My Week {Stone Soup}

This week is such a fun week…for me…mostly because it involves food.

We do a week of Stone Soup every year. I have my go to versions of the story, but I have seen some new ones that I am going to add to my collection.

peek at my week final 2014

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Here are the different versions of the book that we read.





For my element chart, I have the Stone Soup with the green cover. It is seriously so old that I think I’m going to have to move to this newer version with the people throwing the stones in the pot. The front cover gives a students different perspective. Last year, I had a student raise his hand and tell me that the front cover looked like we were inside of the pot looking up. I thought that was pretty insightful for a five year old…

Either way, this element chart is from my Stone Soup unit.


You can use the covers that are already inserted…or you can plug in your own covers of the versions that you use.

We have a poster maker at school so I am able to make this chart a lot larger. I also give my students a copy and they write with me as we discuss. If your students are not ready for that step, then you can be the scribe 🙂

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On Friday, we will make Stone Soup and vote and graph how we liked it. If they really knew what was in it then they would probably all vote “no” before they even tried it. However…I’m just a sneaky teacher like that. They eat vegetables unknowingly.

Don’t forget to add the stone!


We are in the home stretch for Thanksgiving break {which is mind boggling…where has the time gone!?!?}. We are starting new literacy stations and math tubs this week.



Before I go, congratulations to Gina for winning the Children’s Dictionary and my Dictionary Drive unit!

Also, you can find a post that I wrote about how I’ve been making learning meaningful and more engaging for my students this year over at Blog Hoppin’! 


Enjoy the rest of your weekend!