Pocket Dice with a Freebie and Giveaway!

I’m feeling very proud of myself that I have a school topic to blog about. Of course, Amazon and shopping will be a part of this post but that is neither here nor there.

I first heard about these from the fabulous Kathleen Pedersen at her Vegas PD (you better be making your Vegas plans!!!). She used them for her ABC stations. These are the best because you can use them for any station or center where the kids need to roll dice to complete the task. I bought them the second I got home in July. I totally forgot I had them until I discovered them about a month ago…


Now that they have been discovered for a second time, I plan on not forgetting about them again. I just finished my new winter unit “It’s Snowtime” last week and here is the activity that you can use with these dice {click on the picture}.  Slide3 Slide1

Cut out the inserts (laminate them so you don’t have to do it again) and they fit nicely in to the pocket squares. Students roll the dice and record the number next to the corresponding picture. If this is not an activity that you would want to use with your kiddos, here is a blank template where you can create your own inserts to use. Laminate and save the inserts so you only have to do it once. Slide1

I can’t tell you how much money I have saved and how much easier these are instead of trying to find dice that would fit the activity. I have been able to turn some (I deemed) boring stations and activities in to something more tactile and game like.

Here is my newest creation:Slide1I would love to give it away!

Tell me how much snow you got this week {or something about what winter is like where you live} along with your e-mail!


  1. Leigh Ann Towater says:

    Well just a dusting of snow but we are hoping for the 3-6 inches they are calling for tomorrow night! Would love an extra day of Christmas break!!!

  2. No snow for me!! I live and teach in South Florida 🙂

  3. Kelly Brown says:

    Oh my I could definitely use these in my room. I am always having to make dice for my math games and these would be perfect! We have no snow but it is freezing in Cherryville, North Carolina!

  4. We only got about 8-10 inches of snow, but with the timing and the extreme cold (-5 when I woke up this morning) we got an extra 2 days of winter vacation this week!

  5. Cecilia Portugal-Bartram says:

    I live in central CA no snow here but we do get 1 more week off. Thanks for the chance. bartramsbuccaneers@yahoo.com

  6. Oh my! Temps in West Michigan are frigid right now!! We’ve had lots of snow so far this winter, and one day of school cancelled for ice. Brrrr!

    By the way, I looooove these dice and could certainly use one more set!! 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!

    ABCs and Polkadots

  7. We have a lot of snow but the bigger problem is the freezing cold! The Governor has already closed down all of the schools in the state on Monday! It is supposed to be -60 with the windchill! Brrrrr!!!

  8. We don’t get much snow if any where I live in Alabama. We get flurries now and then and people freak out and empty all the stores’ milk and bread! Winters isn’t my favorite but I live all the cute crafts that come out of this time of year! I don’t own any dice but would love too!!!

  9. We got 2 inches of snow or so. It was a wasted snow since we were already out of school. More this weekend??? Would love an extension to Winter Break. arusso@culpeperschools.org

  10. Don’t get mad, but it’s sunny and warm here in So CA and I’m wearing my flip flops and driving with the car top down. 🙂 But it’s hard to teach about winter here, so your unit would really help! 🙂

  11. Shyra Young says:

    I live in Mississippi so no snow for me but the temperature is 20 degrees. The one thing I like about winter is drinking hot chocolate.

  12. Kimberly Jefferson says:

    Franklin, TN – we haven’t gotten any snow yet, in the forcast for tomorrow! Monday we have PD and it’s calling for a high of 7! Now that will be fun.

  13. We have had no snow 🙁 But it has been cold.

  14. Stephanie Moran says:

    I live near Buffalo, NY…we not only have a lot of snow, we have a very cold wind chill! We had a snow day on Friday!

  15. Nicole Huggenberger says:

    I just purchased these dice last weekend after searching for them for a long time! Thank You for the template!! I would love a copy of your packet. We only got a couple inches of snow this week. We went back to school on Thursday, but have a “cold day” Monday. Wind chills in the -40s!!

  16. Heather Sniffin says:

    Here in CT, we got about 6 inches of snow the other day. Not so bad, but the cold has been brutal (-6 this morning). Brrrr. ❄️❄️

  17. Julie Davis says:

    So far only 1 inch but we were told to expect 4 inches tomorrow evening!!! I am at Ft Campbell, KY. We are supposed to go back Monday but maybe it’ll be a snow day, lol.

  18. kristine harrison says:

    We haven’t had any snow (as you know) but school has been delayed until Wednesday because it’s gonna be cold 🙂

  19. I live in metro Detroit Michigan and I love when we go on winter storm warnings right before going back to work. Here is hoping for a snow day or a cold day. Those dice would be great for many centers.

  20. Christine says:

    We’ve had around 8 inches of snow, an ice storm that knocked out our power for FIVE days over Christmas, and are now expecting 7-12 inches over the next 24 hours! What a winter!

    Thanks for the great freebie! Can’t wait to use it!


  21. No snow here. The temps are in the high 60s and low 70s in AZ.

  22. I live in California…no snow here. In fact, it’s been about 70 degrees and sunny! I’d love to win a copy of you’re new unit! Thanks for the chance.

  23. Hello BBF (Bestie Blogging Friend)! These dice have been on my list since we saw Kathleen! (Love that girl!) I gotta’ get me some! LOVE your activities in your “It’s Snowtime!” unit!! HIGHLY RECOMMEND that your blog readers snap one up!! 🙂 We HAVE 5 inches of snow now… We are EXPECTED to get 14 MORE INCHES in the next 24 hours!!!! Hope I can get out my door! LOL

  24. Super cold here in PA. Already 2 hour delays for schools. Single digit temperatures without the wind chill

  25. Debbie Eccles says:

    We have had about 12 inches so far this year from 2 storms and are getting ready to have about 10 inches tomorrow. Weather has been up and down with 20 degree drops and raises in temperature within 24 hours. Crazy weather this year! Thanks for the dice templates, you just reminded me that I ordered the same set last summer! deccles@joink.com

  26. Debbie Eccles says:

    We have had around 10 inches of snow already this year, missed 2 days of school before Christmas vacation had a week full of 2-hour delays and are now getting ready for about 8-10 inches of snow tomorrow. The weather has had temperature drops and raises of 20 degrees within 24 hours. The weather this year has been crazy!!! Thank you for the dice template. You reminded me that I ordered that same set of dice last summer. I’ll have to find them and dig them out. deccles@joink.com

  27. Kris Burdick says:

    I am currently visiting my parents in Boise, ID. I live in SLC. Salt Lake is cold and because of the lake, they do get snow. Now Boise on the other hand is nestled in a valley and even though it is further north, they don’t get alot of snow. Their weather is milder. Right now they are having a dry spell so they could use some moisture. BTW, I love they dice.

  28. Not much yet, but Snowmageddon 2014 is quickly approaching! We’re supposed to get anywhere from 1-12 inches of snow. It’s quite the range. No milk or bread to be found in a 50 mile radius.

  29. We are in the process of getting 8-12 with blizzard like conditions and super sub-zero temps on the way… What FUN it is to live in the Midwest!

  30. Debbie Jackson says:

    We got 6 inches last nite in MO
    mrsrodjac at hotmail dot com

  31. rebecca faust says:

    Wa! Here in Michigan, we are freezing. I am hoping to go to school tomorrow, but we might have a COLD day. We have gotten about 3 inches so far today, but we had 9 inches on the ground already. Thank you for the opportunity to win the dice!!

  32. No snow for me. I live in Central Florida.


  33. katie nussbaum says:

    I live in Wisconsin and we did not get any snow this week. But we have today and tomorrow off of school because of -40 degree wind chills.

  34. Tomi Hammons says:

    We got 8 inches in all from a few storms combined here in Utah. No extra snow days for the winter break. Went back to school Jan. 2nd.