Prayers, last day, and linky

I just learned today about the horrible events that happened yesterday. I am beyond heartbroken for those families that were that were involved in the horrific devastation of yesterdays tornado. The thought of being at school while that was happening is unimaginable. There are a lot of ways we can reach out to this community. One way is donating to The Red Cross or the Salvation Army. I am sure there are other ways to reach out but these were two ways I heard on the radio this morning on the way to school.
So today was the inevitable last day of school. Let me just say that I was absolutely blown away by gift that my parents got for me. I uploaded it on instagram….but just in case you missed it 🙂
This sign is huge. They had a local artist make it for me. I could not love it more. I knew that my room mom knew about my blog but I didn’t know they actually read it or new that it was such an important part of my daily life. I have no words to explain how I felt when I opened this.
On the back they all signed their names and wrote this:
It was such a special gift and I am hanging it above my door right by my desk so it will be the first thing people see when they walk in to my classroom.
And if that wasn’t enough, I had a mom (that’s a photographer) make me my own book. It is so beautiful and it is something that I am going to treasure forever and ever. The pictures are absolutely stunning. I was doing good with holding it all together until I got this. Then the Mom who made it for me started to tear up and I was a puddle from then on. I was beyond blessed by a wonderful group of parents and students.
Link up today 🙂
You can find me on Instagram with the username elizhall or click the Instagram icon in the upper right.


  1. That is the coolest gift! What a nice way to remember your group of kids. Happy last day!
    Polka Dot Kinders

  2. Wow, what an amazing and thoughtful gift! Can you believe the year is already over? I still have a couple days, but I am already in shock that it is practically summer!

    K-3 Connection

  3. What an awesome gift! 🙂

  4. What a sweet gift! You are lucky to have such thoughtful parents. 🙂

    Literacy Spark

  5. Wow! That is awesome!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  6. Hmmm…..I commented but now I don’t see it. Sorry if I am posting the same thing twice. 🙂

    What amazing gifts! I am not ready to say goodbye to my kinder babies yet. We still have four days left and they are jam packed with fun activities for the end of the year like field trips, field day, a dance, etc.

    Enjoy your first day of summer tomorrow!! 🙂

    Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten

  7. Wow what amazing gifts. It sounds like you had a very special class this year! We still have until June 7th…..and I’m tired! 🙂

    Mrs. Thigpen’s Kindergarten

  8. I am envious of your gifts! You are so lucky to have such thoughtful parents. 🙂

    Here’s the Hoot